How are things going with the Kaldenberg family from Ik Vertrek? ‘many roads lead to Rome’

What About the Permit?

Well, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about permits. Or should I say, the elusive unicorns of the building world! You’ve got your ‘Final Approval‘—that’s like getting a gold star in kindergarten; it doesn’t actually mean you can build a fort with your crayons. Nope! What it means is you still need to charm a contractor who not only has their paperwork together but also a full set of insurance papers, which sounds just about as realistic as finding a comfortable chair in a dentist’s waiting room. Seriously, who knew getting a building permit could be more complicated than understanding a government budget? Did you know that quotes for building your dream home can spike like my blood pressure during a Q&A session? 300% higher than expected!? If that doesn’t make you question your financial choices, I don’t know what will!

And let’s not even talk about architect José. He went from being a trusted confidant to an unreliable agent right out of a soap opera. One moment he’s the star architect of your dreams, and in the next breath, he’s practically waving a Portuguese flag like, “Ooh, I’m outta here!” Please tell me we’re not writing a telenovela here? Who knew trying to create a B&B would require more drama than a reality show casting call?

Adjust Plans

And then there’s the swimming pool. Ah yes, the famed swimming pool—because who doesn’t want to spend half their life savings on a glorified puddle? Of course, removing said pool is like deciding you’re going to take a swim in the shallow end of a legal nightmare. Turns out that pool was also included in the fire prevention plan. Brilliant! Nothing says “fire safety” like a glorified hot tub. Isn’t it just delightful when plans unravel faster than a cheap sweater after one wash? I bet if they had all known about the hidden costs, they would’ve opted for a kiddie pool and called it a day!

Our Dream Stands Still

Let’s be blunt: over €20,000 spent and three years later, and still nothing? That’s not just a hard pill to swallow—that’s a whole pharmacy! Folks, we’re talking about a roller coaster ride that didn’t even bother to stop for a bathroom break. But I admire their resilience! Marcel’s now bouncing back and forth between the Netherlands and Portugal like a ping pong ball at a drunken match! The organized life of the Netherlands is calling him back while he’s having an existential crisis about life in Portugal. Who knew living overseas would be primarily about dodging paperwork and wondering if life was always this complicated?

New Possibilities

But hold on a minute, the story isn’t over! Enter Plan B – or as I like to call it, the ‘Let’s Not Lose Our Minds’ plan. Living in both the Netherlands and Portugal–talk about a life hack! They’re about to become hybrid residents: living out of a suitcase and collecting passport stamps like it’s Pokémon cards. And renovating the house? Now we’re talking! Demolishing walls, installing new floors—definitely living the wild side of adulthood! Are we sure this is still about having a B&B? Because at this rate, they should open a reality show about home restoration disasters!

They’ve got big plans: family, friends, a recreation room, possibly a sauna. Who are these people, and when can I book a stay? Let’s give them kudos for moving forward—even in the rain-soaked agony of renovation hell, they’re pushing through. A recreation room with an infrared cabin? That’s right up there with “Why didn’t I think of that?!” bingo!

Emigration is Not Always a Bed of Roses

Now let’s wrap it all up with a cherry topping. They’re enjoying life—birds, crickets, deer, and wild boars roaming happily. I mean, it’s either that or Netflix, right? And while Marcel may be feeling the blues, they’re ready to push on toward whatever tomorrow holds. Every cloud has a silver lining, even if it’s a misty Portuguese cloud full of frustration and paperwork!

So, in five years, they might be living in Graça, the Netherlands, or who knows where else? Maybe a llama sanctuary in Peru? After all the drama, it sounds like they’re ready for anything—even an impromptu dance party in their newly renovated home. Here’s to Blu, Dex, Jay, Marcel, and Sjarive Kaldenberg—may your dreams rise like a phoenix from the ashes of bureaucratic hell!

Feel free to adjust the humor level as desired, but this commentary aims to capture that cheeky, observational tone while presenting the information engagingly.



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