How about a cinematic afterlife with AI?

2023-05-23 16:58:44

Tom Hanks, the famous actor, has sparked a debate regarding the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the film industry. During a recent podcast interview, Tom Hanks considered the possibility of his career continuing even following his death through the use of AI technologies.

According to Tom Hanks: “Anyone can now recreate themselves at any age thanks to AI or computer technology. deepfake. I might be knocked down by a bus tomorrow and that’s it, but my performance can continue.

New artistic perspectives according to Hanks

He suggested that his image might be recreated, allowing him to appear in films indefinitely. While this concept opens up new artistic perspectives, it also raises ethical and legal issues.

Mr. Hanks referred to the growing prevalence of AI and the technology of deepfake or deep fakery, highlighting his evolution since his participation in the film The Polar Express in 2004. This film was distinguished by the fact that it was the first animated film using digital motion capture technology.

Mr. Hanks stressed the need for discussions within the film industry to protect actors’ rights and intellectual property in the face of these technological advances.

Virtual actors instead of humans

The actor acknowledged that the AI-generated versions of actors might potentially star in films that the original actors wouldn’t have cast. He acknowledged that while some audiences may be able to tell real performance from AI performance, others may not care or notice the difference. This raises questions regarding the value and authenticity of human actors in an industry increasingly influenced by AI.

AI as a creative tool or as a threat

The impact of AI extends beyond the film industry and into the world of music. The use of AI in music creation has received mixed reactions from artists. While some musicians view the technology as a creative tool, others worry regarding its ability to clone vocals and manipulate artistic expression. The recent example of a song using cloned vocals being removed from streaming services demonstrates the ongoing debate around AI in music.

#cinematic #followinglife

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