How a ginger liqueur is made in Vienna – Food & Drink

2023-11-17 19:27:27

This scent is amazing. You want to sink into it. Spicy, warm and at the same time fresh and fruity, it fills the entire room – we are sitting in a vaulted cellar in the 6th district, below the small restaurant Ma Belle. And all of this comes from just a small piece of fresh ginger, which Niklas Friedl, operator of Ma Belle, cuts open with a small knife. Next to him is a whole basket full of ginger bulbs – all of them and many more are carefully cut up in order to produce a lemon-gold alcoholic drink, the “Fire Kiss”, with painstaking manual work and a lot of time. The name is new – well known and extremely popular in the Viennese scene, the strong ginger liqueur became “Gingerer”, but when Friedl decided to produce the product without his previous Swiss cooperation partners, a new name had to be found.

#ginger #liqueur #Vienna #Food #Drink



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