Housing ecology, explore the different financing options for your work projects

2023-11-10 09:32:22

Do you have a promising idea to improve the energy efficiency of your home? But due to financial constraints, it is not always easy to make such a project a reality. Luckily, different financing options are available. Check them out.

The personal loan for your work projects

The personal loan is a type of consumer credit. Unlike the assigned loan, the beneficiary uses the amount freely. In other words, he is not required to provide supporting documentation as to the destination of the money. He can therefore use it to purchase a consumer good (car, household appliances, etc.) or a service (work, travel, etc.).

Ranging from 200 to 75,000 euros, the personal loan is taken out for a minimum period of 3 months. Even if it is freely set by the lending organization (credit institution or bank), its cost cannot exceed the usury rate. The latter is set by the Banque de France.

Before granting a personal loan, the bank checks the applicant’s creditworthiness and requires certain documents. Recourse to credit refinancing is sometimes possible. Contact a professional in the field to learn more.

The zero-rate eco-loan

The eco-PTZ is intended for landlords or owners of primary residence accommodation completed at least two years ago. Established and financed by the State, it encourages households to carry out energy saving work. It can be combined with aid from Action Logement, MaPrimeRenov’, aid from Anah, etc. While the amount reaches the 30,000 euro mark, the repayment period is spread over 20 years.

Only certain work is eligible, provided that it was carried out by an RGE craftsman:

  • The replacement or regulation of a heating device.
  • Thermal insulation work: crawl spaces, low floors, glass walls, exterior walls and roof.
  • The installation of a domestic hot water production system operating with renewable energy.
  • The installation of heating equipment using renewable energy.

The social accession loan (PAS)

The social accession loan is used to finance various operations, including energy improvement work. It is only granted by banking establishments that have signed an agreement with the State.

The PAS is intended for households with modest incomes wishing to carry out work costing more than 4,000 euros. However, it is necessary to be the owner of the main residence. The interest rate varies from one bank to another, which is why it is recommended to compare offers. Concerning the repayment period, it is between 5 and 30 years. There are also resource conditions. These depend on the geographical location of the home and the composition of the household.

The loan for improving energy performance

Thanks to Action Logement, you will benefit from a loan at a preferential rate. You will borrow up to 10,000 euros (over 10 years) and carry out energy performance work.

The loan helps finance:

  • The installation of a domestic hot water production system operating with renewable energy.
  • The installation of heating equipment using renewable energy.
  • Thermal insulation work: doors, windows, walls and roof.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to visit our forums dedicated to energy.

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