Housing as the key to self-determination


Housing is the key to self-determination – also for people with disabilities. The Lebenshilfe has therefore created an inclusion guide for communities for the first time, so that people with disabilities should also be considered in planned housing projects.

People with disabilities have the right to a self-determined life. This is also stated in the UN Disability Rights Convention. Those affected should therefore be able to choose for themselves where and how they want to live – and above all with whom. With the new inclusion guidelines, Lebenshilfe wants to support communities in order to also illuminate planned housing projects from these aspects. “The inclusion guidelines and the planned discussions with the mayors should help to create the necessary offer together,” explains Michaela Wagner-Braito.

Central aspects of self-determined living are:
• Choice of housing type
• Embedding in the existing social fabric
• Access to necessary support and assistance services
• early involvement of self-advocacy in the planning process and a barrier-free environment.

Our vision: “Mitanand” instead of next to each other

The vision of Lebenshilfe is that all people in their diversity and differences can live together in a way that is recognized and valued. People with disabilities reside and live in the middle of the community – right from the start. Children with and without disabilities attend the same kindergartens and schools in their neighborhood. Training and work take place together in inclusive companies. In their free time, everyone has the opportunity to take part in sports clubs, theater or music groups of their choice. This is inclusion.



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