Household morale picked up again in December

Is this the magic of the end of the year holidays? Household morale picked up once more in December, revealed theInsee this Wednesday, the French showing a little less concern regarding the standard of living and inflation for the next twelve months.

The indicator that summarizes household confidence stands at 100, two points more than in November, according to revised figures from INSEE, causing the index to evolve at its long-term average.

Fears remain regarding unemployment

The feeling of the French vis-à-vis their past financial situation has increased by two points, while that of their future situation has remained stable, specifies the statistics institute. The proportion of French people who consider it opportune to make major purchases has also increased, passing above its long-term average, while at the same time the share of households considering that the standard of living has improved during the last twelve years. last months has grown by three points.

With regard to inflation, which maintained its pace at 2.8% in December compared to November, households are slightly less numerous (-1 point) to anticipate a further rise in prices over the next twelve months.

Among the less optimistic news, the balance of opinion on the possibility of future savings fell by three points, and fears regarding the evolution of unemployment remain very high.



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