House Flipper 2: The Ultimate Home Organizing Simulator Review and Guide

2024-01-12 07:14:56

We are now in the era of ‘do it yourself’ and ‘DIY’. To put it bluntly, labor costs are getting more and more expensive, so it is a marketing tactic to encourage people to package only the parts and sell them at a lower price and then experience the joy of making it themselves, but since it is cheap anyway, students who live alone do DIY with tears in their eyes.

However, DIY also has limitations. It’s easy for anyone to make a desk, chair, or shelf because they function as they should by roughly fitting them together, but decorating a space as a whole or creating your own custom object by processing materials first is never easy except for a few elites. Right now, I can’t even get the hex wrench size right.

Ultimately, at some point you will need to use people. The hands of professionally trained technicians are different from those of amateurs like us who have separate jobs. The hand holding the grinder has angles, and the forearm muscles are stretched out to dissolve even the old dirt that cannot be removed by rubbing. This means that you don’t have to spend a lot of money and hire a professional.

A game to review today. The ultimate home organizing simulator where you become an ‘expert’ and handle everything from simple stain removal to remodeling, cleaning, demolition, sales, and organization. This is ‘House Flipper 2’.

Game name: House Flipper 2
Genre name: Simulator
Release date: 2023. 12. 14.
Review version: ver231221 Developer: Empyrean
Services: Frozen District
Platform: PC
Play: PC

It’s a bit like a game now phew

Personally, I quite liked the previous work, ‘House Flipper’. Games where you assemble scattered parts or fix broken things give you the same pleasure as Lego, because it gives you a great deal of satisfaction every time you complete each project. This is the gaming fun that car mechanic simulators, PC assembly simulators, tank mechanic simulators, etc. have in common.

The previous game, ‘House Flipper’, had a similar type of fun, so I enjoyed playing it, but to be honest, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was an incredibly great game. The material was very interesting, but the exterior finish had an amateurish feel. This includes things like UI, depiction, and game design that repeat projects and execution.

▲ The previous work made me wonder if this was even possible. Cleaning up was fun though
However, ‘House Flipper 2’ is quite different. Should I say it’s a bit more like a game now? Unlike the previous game, which started with receiving an email out of the blue in a single room, now you can even make phone calls. You can discuss the condition of the house over the phone with the client, and there is even a voice recording. In addition to receiving project orders, you can receive different styles of work depending on the city block, rather than just checking your email and moving on.

All we did was add a few intermediate processes to the basic design of the previous work, which was ‘order – work – order – work’, but that alone improved the quality of the game considerably. Instead of starting with “I don’t know who I am or what I do, but first I have to fix the house,” without any prior explanation, the game became much more natural with a little bit of narrative added.

▲ This work allows you to select characters.
▲ If you enter a shabby room, the owner may feel embarrassed…
In fact, satisfaction with the game has increased significantly even though the details of the process have not changed much. While the previous game had a strong experimental feel, this game feels like it was made with confidence. This was my first impression after playing the game for several hours.

“Now it’s a bit of a game.”

▲ I am satisfied with just adding a little narrative and reorganizing the UI.

Unchanging work process, only details and content are added

Although many aspects have improved compared to the previous work, there are some things that are the same. Anyway, the point is that this game is about organizing and repairing a house. ‘House Flipper 2’ provides exactly the same type of gaming experience as its predecessor, ‘House Flipper’. There’s just a little more flesh added to it.

▲ Still the same, but much easier tile installation
Of course, this cannot be said to be a shortcoming; rather, it is correct to say that it is a well-made part. The previous game was a game that gave up most of the game elements and competed only with the core design. Nevertheless, the fact that it has gained a certain level of fame means that the core design was a sufficiently effective code and that this is what fans of this game series hope for.

However, things have changed and added little by little. Tile construction, which felt somewhat boring due to its unnecessary details, has been simplified, and painting, which was divided into vertical sections, has become more realistic. Instead of cockroaches, which made a loud noise, fallen leaves and debris became the main target of the vacuum cleaner. The annoying sound of cleaning windows has disappeared, and object organization can be specified in more detail, making organizing as neat as cleaning the house.

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▲ Where are there no cockroaches?
▲ It was a bit more comfortable because there was no window noise, which I personally dislike.
The most notable addition is the addition of a sensor that can identify areas that are not yet organized or cleaned. In the past, there were times when it seemed like everything was done, but it wasn’t 100% completed and I had to go through the house again to find the missing parts, but that doesn’t happen anymore. With just one press of Q, you can find the remaining stains like a sonar searching for a school of sardines.

▲ A skilled technician who can find even the footprints of cheeky raccoons.
One more thing that has changed in the larger scheme of things is the expansion of ‘end content’. In my previous work, after carrying out all the projects I received via email, the next step was to buy an old house, fix it up, and then resell it. And in fact, this was not much different from the projects we received orders from before. However, starting with this work, you can build a house on bare land. You can go beyond being a ‘house flipper’ and become a ‘house builder’, allowing you to create and decorate your own home instead of a pre-made house.

▲ This work can be made and sold as well as bought and sold.

A sequel with the same level of fun as before, with good selection and focus.

In summary, ‘House Flipper 2’ is not much different from the previous work, but is close to the completed version of the previous work, raising the external perfection and slightly adding parts that gamers can enjoy. It’s close to an exemplary sequel that just makes better use of what it does well and doesn’t overdo it, without any excesses that cross the line or strange content that could harm the essence of the game.

It may seem easy, but it is not an easy process. A game whose first work was excessively successful may go overboard in trying to show something better in its sequel, while a game that was vaguely successful may make a mistake while analyzing the success factors and shortcomings of the previous work. A good follow-up is created when a proper reflection on the previous work is made and the fun factors of the game can be analyzed objectively, but it is very difficult to maintain an objective perspective from the perspective of a developer who treats each game like a child.

▲ A game that gives you a strange feeling of excitement the more messed up it is…
However, ‘House Flipper 2’ followed that royal path. Under the overall expectation that sequels will continue to be made in the future, if the 3rd and 4th volumes proceed without such major changes, it will inevitably be stigmatized as self-replication, but due to the special situation of being a ready-made sequel following an experimental first work, the result cannot be better. .

However, as you all know, ‘House Flipper 2’ is not a game for everyone. When considering the two values ​​of creation and destruction, most games are tilted toward destruction rather than creation. For those who want to relieve stress by having fun tearing things down, having to tear down a house that is completely ruined and repair it one by one can be an ordeal. The material itself is bound to differ in taste.

However, for those who feel upset when something is not neatly organized, ‘House Flipper 2’ may be a very good choice. Or, like Lego, it can provide plenty of enjoyment to those who enjoy the creative process of building and completing something. As I suddenly see the top of my work desk passing by the corner of my eye, I think I am probably the latter.

#House #Flipper #Review #Inven

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