Hotman Paris and the Lost Antique Ring: Luxurious Accessories and Famous Lawyers

2023-07-25 15:04:20


Hotman Paris lawyers are famous for their luxurious accessories that are always attached to their bodies at every opportunity. Unfortunately recently one of his antique rings fell in a mall in the Jakarta area. He also had time to give contests and promised monetary rewards as a form of thanks.

But until now the ring has never been returned to him, even though he knows that someone has found the trumpet-shaped ring which is considered very antique.

“No (returned). On the CCTV indeed someone found it, but it was not returned,” he said when met in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta.

Hotman Paris also chose to let it go, especially since for him it was the cheapest ring he wore.

“Yes, what else do you want? I’ll let it go. People fall, they’re not stolen. It’s not too expensive either. It’s just an antique shape,” said Hotman Paris.

Hotman Paris then showed a diamond ring worth billions on his finger. According to him, if the ring fell and disappeared, it would be a different story.

“If this one (diamond) is lost, then I might cry seven days and seven nights because it is more expensive than Lamborghini,” he said.

To replace the antique ring, Hotman Paris has ordered another new one from Italy. In fact, he wore the ring to protect his diamond ring from falling.

“Already ordered once more from Italy, also in the form of a trumpet. It’s there, it’s not here,” admitted Hotman Paris Hutapea.

He also admits that he always wears six rings on his fingers and that each ring has its own philosophy.

“This (left little finger) represents a horse, enthusiasm for work, this represents a crocodile, I am often said to be a land crocodile, even though I am a crocodile in love,” explained Hotman Paris.

There is one that attracts attention, namely the diamond ring that adorns his right ring finger. Apparently, the ring is worth IDR 12 billion and is no longer being sold in Indonesia.

“This one costs Rp. 12 billion (a diamond ring on the right ring finger), 13 carats and is no longer sold in Indonesia,” said Hotman Paris.

Watch the video “Hotman Paris’ message for the finder of his lost antique ring”


#Expensive #Order #Italy



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