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Hot bath can. It helps in burning calories. It helps a person lose his body weight. This is according to nutrition expert Michael Mosley. In an interview with “Daily Express”.
The expert quoted a study in which he participated in Loughborough University. That the participants in the experiment, lay for an hour in a hot tub equipped with devices to measure the number of calories burned, and it was found in the result of the experiment, that Mosley burned 240 calories, which is equivalent to a brisk walk in 30 minutes.
For his part, physiologist and university researcher Steve Faulkner said: “First of all, we measured energy consumption during the experiment, and we found an 80 percent increase in energy expenditure during one hour of the hot bath.”
This potent effect can be attributed to heat shock proteins, which are specific proteins that form when cells are briefly exposed to temperatures above their normal range, Faulkner said.
The researcher believes that, in the long term, high levels of these proteins can improve blood sugar control and insulin production.