hosted by wiebke | enter shikari @ simm city | 07.11.2023

2024-02-07 22:30:17

A colorful, multi-faceted evening in every respect: Enter Shikari convinced in the Simm City!

I got to and from Simm City on time – because there were no queues that evening, even though the concert was sold out. As before every concert, I went to the women’s toilet – and to my surprise, all three toilets were working. The evening was really a good one!

I didn’t have to wait long, as the support act arrived.”lake malice“ from Great Britain to the stage. I immediately noticed the singer’s outfit, which shone with the spotlights. I’m not usually a fan of music that involves screaming, but the frontwoman not only had screams in her repertoire, but also had a tremendous singing voice. I was very impressed by the performance – the duo let out all their energy to warm up the audience for the main band of the evening. and in my opinion they succeeded very well.

entered a little later “enter hunter“ the stage and I quickly realized why a large area was left free. The singer jumped and danced from one side of the stage to the other, back towards the drummer and forward towards the audience, and was just able to save himself from falling into the audience area! At the same time, the crowd was literally blinded by the colorful stage lights coming from all possible corners. My eyes darted around wildly – ​​there was so much to see! There were four crazy people, visuals in the background, an electronic robot face that moved to the music and then the show as a whole!

Despite this sensory overload, it was easy to see that the band are close friends with each other – and their connection to the audience also seemed incredibly close. and this was also a good prerequisite for going into the middle of the crowd to perform from there. Then the guitarists made their way back to the stage (they walked over people’s shoulders while standing, wtf) and the singer walked in a different direction. There he climbed onto the bar and sang the next song. My gaze swung back and forth between the stage and him and I didn’t notice that he was suddenly standing right next to me.

I had chosen a place on the edge of the hall near the bar to watch the concert from there, and now this bar simply served as his private stage! There was a very special atmosphere and there was a real crackling in the air – this crackling, this breath of tension gripped everyone in the area. and I was just amazed! And the rest of the evening was just an explosion of colors, sounds and feelings!

When my energy finally ran out, the concert was over. perfect timing! Outside in the fresh air, I realized how colorless Vienna actually is – at least in direct comparison with the concert I had experienced. Anyway – it was a great concert and I headed home in a good mood.

#hosted #wiebke #enter #shikari #simm #city #07.11.2023



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