Hospitality: a local entrepreneur launches an application to leave tips without cash

A Quebec entrepreneur has launched an app to help hoteliers attract and retain workers by allowing employees to be tipped even if guests don’t have cash.

This solution is called Tip&Go, a simple QR code that allows hotel guests to tip when they don’t have cash with them. Instead of the traditional paper envelope, Tip&Go offers an electronic envelope on which is the employee’s name and an associated QR code.

Francis Léonard, the company’s president and chief executive, says tips paid through the QR code might boost staff compensation by up to 30%.

Francis Léonard, President and CEO of Tip&Go

Photo courtesy, Francis Leonard

Francis Léonard, President and CEO of Tip&Go

“Maids, janitors and valets, historically, tipped. Statistics say they were making between $150 and $250 a week before the pandemic and [à l’époque où les gens avaient plus d’argent comptant sur eux]. Now, only regarding 10% of people have cash on them, so now they earn between $15 and $25 a week,” explains Mr. Léonard.

According to the CEO of Tip&Go, approximately 80% of employees leave the hospitality industry for economic reasons.

“This is the highest rate of all sectors of activity in Canada,” continues Mr. Léonard.

He believes that the QR code might promote recruitment and retention of the workforce in the first place for salary attraction. And getting better tips encourages employees to maintain high standards in their work.

Staff will have access to a secure dashboard that will allow them to see their earnings, and hotel managers will be able to view a dashboard showing reviews, ratings and tip statistics. All without management and transaction fees for the hotelier.

“It is the hotel staff who has a share of service to pay on the transaction”, specifies the entrepreneur.

Tip&Go is already deployed in a few establishments, but Mr. Léonard preferred not to name them for the moment.

He adds that Tip&Go should be deployed in the establishments of several hotel chains. Announcements to this effect would be expected soon.

This type of service is offered in several other countries. Here, other companies, like Teknotip, also offer tip payment using a QR code. The latter is present in a few establishments in Quebec, including Le Concorde.

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