This information note from the DGOS presented in the latest Official Bulletin “Santé-protection-social-solidarité” dated January 31, 2023 aims to encourage, in establishments under the public hospital service of the entire territory, lines of development of staff skills in support of health, social and medico-social policies carried out at national level. Management, caregiver/patient communication, teamwork, identification of suicidal risk, digital health, are thus identified by the DGOS as new areas of skills to be increased under national training actions for 2023.
The launch on October 3, 2022 of the Health section of the National Refoundation Council indeed identifies four major challenges to be met in order to strengthen our health system, of which in particular mobilizing local levers of attractiveness for health professions and making them more accessible. The areas of expertise for the year 2023, presented in this note, include 10 new themes, each of which is presented in a descriptive sheet. These themes meet the new needs of establishments in terms of management and organization, and aim to better support them in the face of the health and organizational constraints that are exerted on them. They are also representative of the state of progress or the evolution of the health and medico-social strategies implemented by the Ministry of Health and Prevention. This note also presents 13 updated descriptive sheets of the areas of expertise identified in 2020 and 13 updated sheets for 2022. These provisions apply to the Overseas Territories, with the exception of French Polynesia, New Caledonia, and Wallis and futuna.
Among the 10 new skills areas presented for 2023, five are identified as national training actions (AFN) whose themes, around the work environment, contribute to the attractiveness of health professions. These AFN will be the subject of a national and multiannual deployment entrusted to the National Association for the Continuing Education of Hospital Staff (ANFH) within the framework of the agreement linking this organization to the Ministry responsible for health.
The 5 new areas of skills under national training actions are:
– Hospital management;
– Optimization of their human and relational skills to work better in a team;
– Improve communication in the caregiver-patient, family and loved ones relationship;
– Train or strengthen professional skills in the assessment and orientation of people identified as being at risk of suicide;
– Digital health.
Other new areas of expertise are presented in this note. They fall under the areas of care and care pathways1the quality of practices and organizations2 and the environment. The note states that ” all of the new and updated areas of expertise (years 2020 and 2022) relate to needs related to the evolution of society and the management of establishments. The training orientations offered on these themes all encourage us to rethink multi-professionalism“. The associated sheets detail these expectations, in particular by targeting the cross-participation of personnel from the health, social and medico-social sectors, including from different modes of exercise or other public functions.
1- Management of late abortions between 14 and 16 SA; Palliative care and end-of-life support; Train or strengthen professional skills in crisis intervention with suicidal people with effective clinical approaches adapted to the context; Acknowledgment and certification of deaths.
2 – Deployment of a safety culture and team risk management.
• Interministerial information note n° DGOS/SDRHSS/DGCS/4B/2022/274 of January 12, 2023 on the guidelines adopted in 2023 in terms of developing the skills of the personnel of the establishments mentioned in article 57 of law n° 2019-828 of 6 August 2019 on the transformation of the public service (PDF) – Official Bulletin Health – Social Protection – Solidarity No. 2023/2 of January 31, 2023; page 16.