Hospital: drastic drop in the number of interns at the start of the school year, students denounce a

While the government justifies this drop by a decrease in the number of candidates, others see it as an indirect effect of the reform of the second cycle of health studies. This introduces, among other things, a new competition with a cut-off mark of 14/20 to be able to take an oral exam. Many fifth-year students would have preferred to repeat the year (7% compared to 3% in previous years) to “avoid the problems” of this reform, note le site What’s up Doc ?

Choosing a specialty “out of spite”

Enough to push medical interns to launch an online petition already signed by nearly 7,500 people this Friday. Hélène Lebruel, the author of the text, denounces “the profound injustice of which we are victims: the inaccessibility to many specialist positions for the 2024-2025 school year” and calls for the reopening of positions.



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