Horoscopes do not like gold.. Aquarius loves diamonds and Pisces loves precious stones

Gold is one of the precious metals that many love and women are keen to wear in its various forms, despite that there are people who do not like gold or are allergic to it, and it is not considered the metal that they are attracted to, and this is according to personal experiences, and astronomy experts spoke, as they confirmed that there are constellations An astrologer does not like gold and can wear precious stones or accessories other than gold, and the “Seventh Day” reviews the highlights horoscopes who does not like gold.

Astronomical signs that do not like gold:


The owners of this sign are known as people who seek originality and sophistication. They are always looking for everything that is unique, especially in their choice of jewelry. This woman will not compromise on quality when it comes to jewelry, regardless of her pursuit of excellence, so it is likely that you will see her wearing a unique ring. Diamond.

Creativity and difference are what distinguishes the owners of this sign the most, in addition to their love for cheerful and different colors, as they seek to possess everything that is innovative and that no one else possesses, so it is likely that you will see them attracted to colored gemstones, which are characterized by their rarity.


The owners of this sign are known for their strong fiery personality, as they are always looking for everything that supports them and gives them self-confidence, so their choices of jewelry are characterized by designs of white gold and adorned with a fiery opal stone in a design that attracts everyone’s attention.

Luxury and wealth are among the biggest characteristics that Taurus owners always like to show to everyone they know and don’t know. Only a piece of precious jewelry inlaid with more diamonds adorned with rare gemstones attracts their attention.


The quest for perfection and sensitivity is a characteristic of Virgos. They love subtle and distinctive designs, which is why white gold or diamond jewelry is their favourite.


Libra owners are always looking for psychological calm, as they are humble people, who do not like glamor in their possessions as long as they are happy and are not surrounded by tension and nervous pressure, and this is what makes them resort to precious stones that give them that.

Horoscope does not love gold

Horoscopes that are not in love with gold
Horoscopes that are not in love with gold



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