Hoplite – Still Named – HeavyPop.at

2024-01-24 13:36:36

from Oliver
on January 24, 2024
in Album, Heavy Rotation

Perpetuated (alias Paramainomeni) wirkt nach der triumphalen 2023er Trilogie aus Pseudomeni , Trothosomeni und Antitimore umeni in jeglicher Hinsicht wie der Beginn eines neuen, verdammt aufregenden Kapitels für Soldier (alias Hoplites).

The artwork already announces this much, and the tracklist also underlines the unheard assumption – with a total of only 6 songs over 53 minutes, most of them are now scratching the double-digit playing time range. And then the first contact with the music: the structures of black metal are far more progressive than before, a lot of things mutate from the repetition of patterns into real suites, and again and again a saxophone randomly flashes into the avant-garde events in the hussar rides, and that The sound is once again more precisely separated than before (which is why the drums, especially when they switch to the blasting blast mode, are programmed a little too sterile and clinically, whereas the infinitely creative guitars in their methodical appearance turn up and down so captivatingly can) and yes – Παραμαινομένη acts like a more holistic incarnation of in the friction of all these factors Soldier behind the event horizon of the evolutionary process measured in the 2023 triptych.

Tags like Blackened Zheul or Blackened Brutal Prog make more sense than ever. The conciliatory, calm opening intro of Stay, God, stay with me… Ultimately, with cult-like chants, minimalist percussion and folkloric plucked strings, it leads you down the wrong path, as the chaos of insane drums and guitar excesses quickly breaks out even more radically. Said saxophone sounds, first escalating arbitrarily, then sparking a communicative duel with the guitar, math-like and dissonant. Disturbed, the whining whirlwind hisses forward, creating a chanting groove with hallucinogenic exertion until the wheezing finale.
The atonal Sampled music seks his stoic pattern with particularly variable, whining, barking, growling vocals and allows himself to be carried away in a somnambulistic manner, as the reins are tightly taut and attack like a tarantula stung, before the djent mode of The angel of rage allows his panicked, self-referential riff to break out of the methodical scheme in small brain-crazed mutations and returns to the beginning of the record for his outro.

In Agreeing with Dionysos Eleftheri Abrasive avant-garde brass instigate an inferno, whose adventurous gallop… Orange Pazuzu-Delirium intones the hateful black metal rage with fat brutality and crazy tension, with the fever (night) dream inhaling ambient piano dystopias, brass arrangements and mystical call-and-response rituals into its maelstrom. Agreeing with Dionysos Eleftheri beats almost rock and thrashy, inhales the 80s with synth tracks and classic solo, meanwhile Unrelenting divine fury As a final point, the balance of bestial metal and pointed dulcimer musings shifts back and forth, balanced in the threading in and out – but also seems a bit unrounded in terms of songwriting. After all the fireworks beforehand, it’s a little underwhelming because it lacks the brilliant, final, all-important climax from a record that is otherwise a sparkling spectacle. The breathtaking scenes are patiently constructed and let off the leash with infernal hunger. Which unleashes so many euphoric (although not always completely inspiring) moments.
In any case, the compositions, the performance and the sound production go hand in hand over long stretches on an outstanding level, are a complex trip and unpredictable trance in a technically virtuoso shredder that eludes understanding on a linguistic level, but on a universal level like a Accelerators ignite – although, or precisely because!, the impression always remains that Perpetuated just the beginning for this new, so familiar incarnation of Soldier is. See you again in the 2024 annual charts Liu Zhenyang In any case, it is already certain.

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#Hoplite #Named #HeavyPop.at

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