Hope for Progressive Learning Freedom 2024 – 2024-03-19 10:43:09

Dwi Jatmiko. (Dokpri)

INDEPENDENCE to learn as a recognition of natural human rights, to obtain learning experiences and learn freely; aims to create people with character, new people and a new society. In line with Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s philosophy, “Educating people with an independent spirit so that they become people with character.” The result is to humanize humans to learn throughout life.

We can read one of the hopes and benefits of the independent learning program, one of the independent learning studies regarding the relevance of the thoughts of Indonesian figures researched by Istiq’faroh. Istiq’faroh (2020) wrote an article regarding the relevance of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s educational philosophy to the idea of ​​independent learning.

If we stick to the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Ing ngarsa sung tuladha (in the front giving an example), Ing madya mangun karsa (in the middle building the will), and Tut wuri handayani (in the back giving encouragement and influence), of course the independent learning program will provide the best results for students in particular and Indonesian society in general.

Ainia (2020) in her article examines the meaning of independent learning which is implemented in values ​​to shape character in students through innovative learning systems and learning methods. Merdeka Belajar is implemented in primary, secondary and tertiary education units. Freedom to learn is a response to educational problems that exist in the world of Indonesian education. Freedom to learn is a solution and solution that was initiated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim.

In supporting the achievement of National Priorities, the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek maintains its commitment to accountable and quality budget implementation. This, among other things, is shown by the 2023 Budget Performance Value in the very good category (preliminary value = 95.59%).

So in the hope of independence from learning in 2024, we can see that access to educational services has been successfully increased, including school readiness figures, school participation rates for 7-12 years and 13-15 years, and gross enrollment rates for SMA/SMK/MA/SMLB/equivalent and tertiary institutions. tall. Then, the proportion of students who have scores above the minimum limit in the minimum competency assessment for literacy and numeracy has also increased. Along with the increase in the Indonesian language proficiency index.

Also read: Nadiem Makarim Supports the Indonesian Journalism School Program

Freedom of learning has various foundations, both philosophical, sociological and legal. Freedom of learning. The Indonesian nation is based on Pancasila for its educational philosophy. The values ​​contained aim to create intelligent, spiritual, intellectual and personality humans.

Merdeka learns from a sociological perspective. The sociological basis for differentiated learning, the flexible curriculum as a form of independent learning, is developed on the basis of differences in students’ needs, characteristics, social and cultural environments of students.

Freedom to learn from a legal perspective. Referring to statutory regulations related to learning as a form of independent learning. First, Law No. 20 of 2003 in the general provisions of Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Sisdiknas) states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process, so that students are active. develop one’s potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble morals, and skills needed by oneself, society, nation and state.

Also read: Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Invites Teachers to Continue the Independent Learning Movement

Then the second Government Regulation (PP) Number 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards (SNP) Article 12 paragraph (1) point (f) states that learning is carried out in a learning atmosphere that provides sufficient space for initiative, creativity, independence according to talent. , interests, and physical and psychological development of students. Third, Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2020-2024 in the independent learning policy.

There is hope for freedom of learning, marked by the Ministry of Education and Culture-Ristek’s policy which issued a policy so that education progresses with the hope of freedom of learning in 2024 by spurring the digitalization of education. There are 79,259 formal schools that have received ICT assistance in 2020-2023 (Kemendikbudristek and Physical DAK Expenditures), 1,382,512 ICT devices have been provided to support the school digitalization program (dikdasmen), and there are four Digital Platforms: Merdeka Mengajar Platform, Merdeka Campus Platform, School Resources Platform, Educational Report Card Profile Platform and Data and Infrastructure Management.

For the Merdeka Teaching Platform (PMM), a total of 3,540,856 logged in to the Merdeka Teaching Platform during 2023, as many as 225,400 schools implementing the Merdeka Curriculum have used PMM quite well, it is recorded that 2,219,099 PTKs implementing the Merdeka Curriculum have accessed PMM, and 267,024 PTK has uploaded more than 774 thousand Proofs of Work to PMM.

Read also: Move Quickly Overcome the Learning Crisis

We and we hope that the Independent Learning Progress breakthrough will be an effort to advance the nation’s children through education, so that Pancasila students can be created who create joyful learning. As we know, teachers have an important role in the world of Indonesian education and are at the forefront of shaping the nation’s future.

But unfortunately, the learning process at school is sometimes boring for educators and students. With the independent learning program, it is hoped that the classroom atmosphere will become more encouraging and happy. This certainly affects the quality of learning better.

An encouraging learning atmosphere can not only increase students’ enthusiasm for learning, but educators and parents can also feel it. For example, elementary school students are increasingly enthusiastic regarding working on elementary school question banks or practicing elementary school questions to face exams with HOTS SD questions.

Freedom in learning provides freedom of expression for educators and students at school. A school environment is created that is free from various psychological obstacles and pressures, especially for teachers who have the freedom to teach their students. In this way, they can focus and maximize the intelligence of the nation’s children.

With the freedom to learn program, my fellow education people are freed to innovate, and are supported to introduce better learning methods themselves, in order to create livelier classes, for example creating joint discussions. Greetings for progress, independence, freedom to learn, I hope you can!

#Hope #Progressive #Learning #Freedom



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