hooded men burst onto several restaurant terraces


According to testimonies, around fifteen individuals armed with “machetes” smashed the tables of restaurants on Place Meynard in Bordeaux on Sunday evening.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

The feast of Saint Michel was marked by a wave of panic in the eponymous Bordeaux district. Sunday, around 7:30 p.m., around fifteen hooded individuals burst onto the terraces of bars and restaurants on Place Meynard, according to several sources at Figaro confirming information from South West. According to several testimonies, the members of this gang threatened surrounding customers and merchants for no apparent reason. In the wave of panic caused by this descent, several tables would have waltzed.

And for good reason: several of these individuals would have been armed with “machetes” according to the first testimonies. However, the nature of these weapons must still be confirmed because a witness’s memories can be altered by the shock. The national police, who are leading the investigation, intend to use images from surveillance cameras to verify this and identify the perpetrators.

“Show of force”

Facts whose motive remains mysterious for the moment. They took place in the heart of the cosmopolitan district of Saint Michel and a stone’s throw from that of the Capuchins which is plagued by drug trafficking. An illicit activity which regularly leads to brawls in the neighborhood. But the events which took place this Sunday are nevertheless much rarer according to a source close to the investigation.

The avenues envisaged to explain the motive of this gang are those of a clash between rival gangs, of a “show of force” to mark a territory, a grievance against one of the traders or even a descent of the extreme right on an ultra-left territory. The investigation must make it possible to clarify the exact circumstances surrounding the facts. No complaints have been filed at this stage by the victims.



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