Honoring Tradition: A Special Day in the Orthodox Calendar

Calendar – Who is celebrating September 14 today: Elevation of the Holy Cross – Theoklis, Theokleas, Theokleia, Stavros, Stavrianos, Stavrakas, Stavrakios, Stavris, Stavrakis, Stavroula, Stavriani, Stavrina, Stavria

Today the Cross is lifted up and the whole creation is freed from decay. In 326 AD the Apostle Saint Helen went to the Holy Land to worship and thank the Lord for the triumphs of her son, Constantine the Great, who was aware that the victory was due to the manifestation of the sign of the Holy Cross, which he saw in the sky. Arriving at Calvary, he ordered a place to be dug, in which three crosses were recovered.

Not knowing who the Holy Cross is, the bishop of Jerusalem Makarios placed the body of a pious dead woman successively on the three crosses. As soon as the dead body of the woman touched the Holy Cross, she was resurrected.

Then, Saint Helen, with great reverence and faith, worshiped the Animal Cross. The Senate of Lords followed. Afterwards, the bishop of Jerusalem, Makarios, ascended the pulpit and raised the Holy Cross with both hands, showing it to all the Christians, who shouted “Lord have mercy” with one voice. Since then, the holy Fathers have decreed that the Universal Elevation of the Holy Cross be celebrated, to glorify Christ who was crucified on it.

Today is also a commemoration of the event that happened on September 14 in 628 AD, when the emperor Heraclitus handed over the Holy Cross to the Church of the Resurrection, after a litany in which he took part barefoot and modestly dressed. The Holy Cross was received by Patriarch Zacharias and together they sang the hymn “Save, Lord, your people and bless your inheritance…”.

The honor of the two historical events spread from Jerusalem, to Constantinople and Cyprus, as well as throughout the Church, East and West.

The Cross of the Lord from an instrument of condemnation, curse and shame became, with the death of Christ, a symbol of resurrection, glory, triumph and honor.

“Blessed is the living Cross, the invincible trophy of piety, the door of Paradise, the support of the faithful, the wall of the Church; through which corruption is made manifest, corruption is abolished, and the power of death is taken down, and we are lifted up from the earth to heaven An invincible weapon, an opponent of demons, glory of the Martyrs of the Holy, as a true refuge, a sea of ​​salvation, the one who gives the world the great mercy” (To the Stichon, Stichera of the Cross. Îhos pl. 1′, Joy of ascetics indeed).

The Cross of the Lord remains a measure of our own love, sacrifice and patience, both in the great and big and in the small and insignificant things of everyday life.

“We worship the wood of your Cross, Philanthropist, because in it the life of all is fixed.”

It should be noted that today the Church orders the faithful to fast.

Ἦhos a’.
Lord, save your people and bless your heritage, victory over the kings against the barbarians and your kingdom preserved by your Cross.

Source: ekklisiaonline.gr

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#Feast #day #Great #feast #today #Orthodoxy

What ‍is the significance of the ⁣Elevation of the Holy Cross in‍ Christianity?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the Elevation of the Holy ‌Cross:

The Elevation of the Holy Cross: A Celebration of Faith and Triumph

Today,⁤ September 14, is a significant day ‍in the‌ Christian calendar, ⁤marking ‌the Elevation of the Holy Cross, a feast that commemorates the finding of the True Cross ‌by Saint Helen in 326 AD. This momentous event is celebrated by millions of Orthodox Christians around​ the world, and its significance extends far beyond the historical context.

The Story of the⁢ True Cross

The story‍ begins with Saint Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine⁤ the ‌Great, who traveled to the Holy Land to worship and thank⁣ the‌ Lord for her son’s triumphs. During her visit, she ordered‌ a place to be dug ​at Calvary, where three crosses were recovered. To identify the True ⁤Cross, the bishop of Jerusalem, Makarios,⁣ placed the body of a pious dead woman on each of the three crosses. As soon as ​the dead body touched the Holy Cross, she ‌was resurrected, revealing the authenticity of the ‍Cross.

The First‍ Celebration

The first ​celebration of the Elevation of the Holy Cross ‍took place in Jerusalem, where Saint Helen and the Senate of Lords worshiped ⁢the Cross with great reverence and faith. The bishop of Jerusalem, Makarios, then raised the ⁢Holy Cross with both hands, ​showing it to all the Christians, who responded with one voice, “Lord have mercy.” This event led to⁤ the establishment of the Universal Elevation of the Holy Cross, a feast that would be celebrated by the Church to glorify Christ who was crucified on it.

Historical Significance

September 14 also commemorates the​ event that took place in 628 AD, when ​Emperor Heraclitus handed over the Holy Cross ‍to the Church of the Resurrection, after a litany in which he⁣ participated⁣ barefoot and modestly dressed. The Holy Cross was received by Patriarch Zacharias, and together they sang the hymn “Save, Lord, ⁤your people and bless your inheritance…”

Symbolism of the Cross

The Cross ⁢of the Lord, once an instrument of condemnation, curse, and shame, became a symbol of resurrection, glory,⁣ triumph, and honor with the death of ‌Christ. It represents‍ the ⁣power of God, who transformed the instrument of death into a means of salvation. The Cross is a reminder of the sacrifice and love of Christ, who gave His life for the​ redemption⁢ of humanity.

The Cross in Everyday Life

The ⁢Cross of‌ the Lord remains ⁢a measure of our own love, sacrifice, and patience, both in the great and big and in the small and insignificant things of everyday life. It is a symbol of hope, encouragement, and strength, reminding⁣ us that we are not alone in our struggles and that Christ is ⁤always with us.

Fasting and Celebration

On this day, the Church orders the faithful to fast,⁤ as a means of purification and preparation for the celebration of the Elevation of the Holy⁣ Cross. The feast is marked with liturgical services, processions, ⁣and veneration of ‍the Cross, as a sign of devotion and gratitude to God.


The Elevation of the Holy Cross is a celebration of faith, triumph, and hope. It ⁤is a reminder of⁢ the power of God, ​who transformed the instrument of death into a means of salvation. As we‌ commemorate this event, we are called to reflect on the significance of the Cross in our lives, and to strive to live according to the principles of love, sacrifice,‍ and patience, which are embodied in the Cross of Christ.

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DATA C poll for pelop.gr: Upheavals in the parties – 1,143​ voters for Sakellaropoulou, Ukraine and accuracy

Andromache: The snapshot shared by Giorgos Livanis after the birth ⁣of their son

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* Patras: A hydro turbine appears in the sea

Source: ⁢ekklisiaonline.gr

What celebrations take place on September 14th in the Orthodox Church?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of September 14th celebrations:

The Significance of September 14th: The Elevation of the Holy Cross

On September 14th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Elevation of the Holy Cross, a momentous occasion that commemorates the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helen in 326 AD. This date marks a pivotal event in Christian history, and its significance is still felt today.

The Story of the True Cross

According to tradition, Saint Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, traveled to the Holy Land to worship and thank the Lord for her son’s triumphs. While in Jerusalem, she ordered a place to be dug, and three crosses were recovered. To determine which cross was the genuine one, the bishop of Jerusalem, Makarios, placed the body of a pious dead woman on each cross. When the woman’s body touched the True Cross, she was miraculously resurrected.

The Elevation of the Holy Cross

Saint Helen, with great reverence and faith, worshiped the True Cross, and the Senate of Lords followed suit. The bishop of Jerusalem, Makarios, then ascended the pulpit and raised the Holy Cross with both hands, showing it to all the Christians, who shouted “Lord have mercy” with one voice. This event led to the decree by the holy Fathers to celebrate the Universal Elevation of the Holy Cross, glorifying Christ who was crucified on it.

Commemorating the Event

Today, September 14th, is also a commemoration of the event that occurred in 628 AD, when Emperor Heraclitus handed over the Holy Cross to the Church of the Resurrection, after a litany in which he participated barefoot and modestly dressed. The Holy Cross was received by Patriarch Zacharias, and together they sang the hymn “Save, Lord, your people and bless your inheritance…”

The Symbolism of the Cross

The Cross of the Lord, once an instrument of condemnation, curse, and shame, became, with Christ’s death, a symbol of resurrection, glory, triumph, and honor. As the Stichera of the Cross states, “Blessed is the living Cross, the invincible trophy of piety, the door of Paradise, the support of the faithful, the wall of the Church; through which corruption is made manifest, corruption is abolished, and the power of death is taken down, and we are lifted up from the earth to heaven.”

The Relevance of the Cross Today

The Cross of the Lord remains a measure of our own love, sacrifice, and patience, both in the great and significant things of life and in the small and insignificant ones. As the Church orders the faithful to fast on this day, we are reminded of the importance of self-reflection and devotion.


September 14th is a day of great significance in the Orthodox Church, commemorating the Elevation of the Holy Cross and the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helen. This event reminds us of the power of the Cross, a symbol of resurrection, glory, and honor, and encourages us to reflect on our own love, sacrifice, and patience.

Keywords: September 14th, Elevation of the Holy Cross, True Cross, Saint Helen, Orthodox Church, Christian history, symbol of resurrection, glory, triumph, and honor.



Other relevant sources cited in the article.



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