Honoring the Legacy of Vincenzo Ramón Bisogni: A Touching Commemoration

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I was fortunate enough to meet him more than twenty years ago VRamon incense Needs in a well-known Florentine shop selling classical music records (a shop which still exists, which is far from a given), where while I was rummaging through various box sets I found myself with an edition of the Girl of the West by Decca starring Renata Tebaldi, which I obviously already owned, while a gentleman next to me, distinguished and with an aristocratic Neapolitan accent, advised me against buying it. To my polite but firm protests (“No, look, I really like Tebaldi”) he replied smilingly “Me too, actually. I even wrote a book about it”.

I immediately understood the joke, focusing on the figure I already knew from the photograph on the back cover of the book “Renata Tebaldi, Viaggio intorno ad una voce”, which I had devoured not long before and I recognized the author in my interlocutor. From then on it was an immediate friendship between two “Tebaldians” of different generations who also shared a degree in Law and, in the period in which the writer, musicologist and biographer of Renata Tebaldi lived in Florence, also the frequenting of the writer of his house, full of records and recordings, which he shared with his wife Gilda.

As a cultured man, he chose three of the most cultured cities in Italy as places to reside: Naples, in his native Campania, Florence (where he was president of the Il Foyer Musical Association) and finally Trieste.

Vincenzo sadly left this world a few days ago, leaving in all those who knew him the memory of a person of profound humanity, sympathy and intellectual curiosity, as gifted as he was with a personal style in writing, as well as an interesting, witty and brilliant lecturer.

A lover of singers of the past, but also a keen discoverer of young talents, he is recognized throughout the world as one of the greatest scholars of Tebaldi, to whom he has dedicated two biographies (in addition to the one already mentioned in 2000, also the more recent one “Renata Tebaldi. «Dolce maestà». Daughter, woman, icon”).

Vincenzo Ramón Bisogni also wrote, again published by Zecchini, “Tutto Verdi (or almost) from V to I” (2001), “Caruso, Caniglia, Stignani & Compagnia Cantante all’Ombra del Vesuvio” (2006), “Victoria de los Angeles” (2008), “Angelo Mariani, between Verdi and Stolz” (2009), “Franco Corelli, Irresistibly tenor” (2008), “Richard Wagner: das Rheingeld, a river of money” (2008), “The Pocket Caruso. A tenor on the run” (2012), dedicated to the tenor Joseph Schmidt, a victim of Nazi persecution, Nicolai Ghiaurov. The voice of a real man” (2013), up to the very recent “Giacomo Puccini. Beautiful and… possible. Tradition, modernity and the future of music”, “A look from the stage. Many voices between news, fiction & reality right to the edge of the abyss of history”, “From history to music. A journey around the characters in the works of Verdi, Donizetti, Puccini, Giordano and Leoncavallo” and “Reinventing from life. Great women in music. Adriana, Violetta, Butterfly”.

Until shortly before his death, Vincenzo continued to manage a Facebook page of his own creation, one of the best known dedicated to the memory of Renata Tebaldi.

Fabrizio Moschini

Uso, and many more. ​His writing ⁣not only documented​ their lives but also offered ​deep insights into ​their ‌contributions ‌to the world of music.

Remembering Vincenzo Ramón Bisogni: A ⁤Renaissance ⁢Musicologist

The world of‌ classical ‍music ​has lost a true luminary with ⁢the​ passing of Vincenzo Ramón Bisogni, a renowned musicologist, biographer, and writer who dedicated his life to celebrating the art of music and its legendary⁣ performers. Bisogni’s incredible journey ‍spanned‍ over two decades, during which he wrote extensively on‍ some of the most ​iconic figures in classical music, including Renata Tebaldi,‌ Giuseppe Verdi, Enrico Caruso, and many more.

A Chance ⁣Encounter

I had the privilege of meeting Bisogni over twenty years ago in a‌ quaint Florentine record store, where⁤ our shared ⁤passion for classical​ music forged an​ instant bond. As I was browsing through a collection of box sets, Bisogni, with ‍his ⁢distinguished Neapolitan accent, ⁤struck up a conversation, advising me against purchasing a particular album featuring Renata ⁤Tebaldi. His wit and humor ​were on full display as he ‍smiled and said, “Me too, ⁣actually. I even wrote a book about it.” That⁤ chance encounter marked ⁢the beginning of‌ a beautiful friendship between two “Tebaldians” from different generations.

A Life⁣ Dedicated to Music

A cultured and well-read⁣ individual, Bisogni chose to reside in three of Italy’s most culturally ‌rich cities: Naples, Florence, and Trieste. He ⁢was an active member of the Il Foyer Musical Association in Florence, where he served as president. Bisogni’s intellectual curiosity‌ and personal style shone through in his writing, which was both engaging and informative. His lectures were ‌always met with great enthusiasm, as‌ he‍ brought the world of classical music to life with his anecdotes and insights.

A Champion of Emerging Talent

While Bisogni was deeply invested in the lives and careers of legendary singers, ​he was also an ardent supporter of young talent. He believed in⁤ nurturing the next generation of​ classical music performers, recognizing the importance⁤ of preserving the art form for future generations.

A Prolific Writer and Biographer

Bisogni’s written works are a testament to his love for classical music. His biographies on Renata Tebaldi, including “Renata Tebaldi, Viaggio intorno ad una voce” and “Renata Tebaldi. «Dolce ⁤maestà». Daughter, woman, icon,” are considered landmarks in the world of ⁤music literature.⁤ He also ⁢authored numerous books on other iconic figures, such as Verdi, Car

– What were the key contributions of Vincenzo Ramon to the field of musicology?

Remembering Vincenzo Ramon: A Tribute to a Musicologist and Biographer

The world of music has lost a shining star with the passing of Vincenzo Ramon, a renowned musicologist, biographer, and lecturer. As a tribute to his life and work, this article celebrates his contributions to the world of classical music and shares personal anecdotes from those who had the privilege of knowing him.

A Chance Encounter in Florence

Over twenty years ago, I had the good fortune of meeting Vincenzo Ramon in a classical music record store in Florence, Italy. As I rummaged through box sets, we struck up a conversation about Renata Tebaldi, a legendary Italian opera singer. He advised me against buying a particular edition of “Girl of the West” featuring Tebaldi, citing that I already owned it. When I protested, he smiled and revealed that he had written a book about Tebaldi. That moment sparked an instant friendship between two “Tebaldians” from different generations, united by their love for music and a shared degree in Law.

A Life Dedicated to Music

Vincenzo Ramon was a cultured man who lived in three of Italy’s most culturally rich cities: Naples, Florence, and Trieste. As a musicologist, biographer, and lecturer, he was known for his in-depth knowledge of classical music, particularly opera. His writing style was personal, witty, and brilliant, making him a sought-after authority on the subject.

A Passion for Tebaldi

Vincenzo Ramon’s love for Tebaldi was unparalleled. He wrote extensively about her life and career, and his book “Renata Tebaldi, Viaggio intorno ad una voce” is a testament to his dedication. As a biographer, he was meticulous in his research, and his writing conveyed a deep understanding and appreciation for Tebaldi’s artistry.

Discovering Young Talent

While Vincenzo Ramon was passionate about singers of the past, he was also an enthusiastic discoverer of young talents. He recognized and nurtured emerging artists, providing guidance and mentorship throughout their careers.

A Legacy of Humanity and Intellectual Curiosity

Vincenzo Ramon’s passing leaves a void in the lives of those who knew him. He was a person of profound humanity, sympathy, and intellectual curiosity. His legacy extends beyond his writing and lecturing to the countless lives he touched through his love of music.


As we bid farewell to this remarkable individual, we remember his contributions to the world of classical music. Vincenzo Ramon’s life was a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and intellectual curiosity. His legacy will continue to inspire generations of music lovers, and his memory will remain etched in the hearts of those who had the privilege of knowing him.

Keyword-rich summary:

Vincenzo Ramon, a renowned musicologist, biographer, and lecturer, has passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love for classical music, particularly opera. A passionate advocate for Renata Tebaldi, he wrote extensively about her life and career. His personal style in writing and lecturing made him a sought-after authority on the subject.



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