Honoring Minister Amran Sulaiman’s Dedication to a Transparent Agricultural Future

Agriculture Amran Sulaiman’s Efforts to Eradicate Corruption Appreciated”/>

Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman (MI/Susanto)

Political observer from Al Azhar University Ujang Komarudin assessed that the assertiveness of the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman in eradicating corruption deserves appreciation. He considered the behavior of brokers or brokers who roam the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) very disturbing.

Therefore, Ujang asked that the corruption eradication efforts carried out not be disturbed by counterproductive narratives or other things such as political motives, let alone disrupt the ongoing work rhythm. In fact, it would be better, said Ujang, to let the Minister of Agriculture work and complete the ongoing program.

“I think Mr. Amran just wants the dignity of the Ministry of Agriculture to be restored after being in the public spotlight some time ago. So let him focus on working to complete his strategic programs. Even if there are certain parties who suspect that Minister of Agriculture Amran has certain interests, that is very wrong,” said Ujang in a written statement, on Saturday (14/9).

According to him, Amran’s firmness in eradicating corruption should not be misinterpreted as an effort to pursue certain interests.

“No party should try to twist the facts and create a narrative as if there is something behind Mr. Amran’s firmness in eradicating brokering at the Ministry of Agriculture,” he said.

According to him, the report made by a Ministry of Agriculture official against a suspected broker or broker is proof that the clean-up at the Ministry of Agriculture is a quick response after being highlighted by the law some time ago.

Also read: Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman Asks KPK to Have Office Again at Ministry of Agriculture

“Don’t let these brokers harm farmers because their budgets are used for certain interests. I think this is something that should not be allowed and in any case, corruption cases in Indonesia must be eradicated completely,” he added.

Previously, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman asked law enforcement officers to arrest brokers and their networks that have hampered the performance of the agricultural sector. “The quick action of the officers in enforcing the law is expected to help restore public trust in the Ministry of Agriculture,” he said.

The Minister of Agriculture emphasized that brokers and corruption have been very detrimental to farmers so far. Brokers and their networks have damaged the budget management system that should be allocated for the interests of agricultural actors.

Also read: Bilateral Meeting of the Indonesian and Brazilian Governments, Minister of Agriculture Amran Attracts Rp4.5 Trillion in Livestock Investment

As previously reported, on August 29, 2024, the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan) Fausiah Landja reported alleged criminal acts of fraud or cheating under Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code, as referred to in Article 378 of the Criminal Code.

Previously, on June 4, 2024, Fausiah and Apriliawati also reported Jemmy Eduard Evendy and Alfred to the Special Crimes Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya regarding alleged manipulation of the procurement of handsprayer.

Head of the Public Relations and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, Arief Cahyono, said that the Minister of Agriculture only wanted to restore the dignity of the Ministry of Agriculture like five years ago, when the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) gave an anti-gratification award.

As is known, demotion, removal and dismissal have been carried out by Amran since he was inaugurated by President Jokowi at the beginning of his administration. At least Amran is recorded as processing the demotion and transfer of more than 1,500 problematic Ministry of Agriculture employees and reporting 700 food mafia to the police. (Z-11)

#Minister #Agriculture #Amran #Sulaimans #Efforts #Eradicate #Corruption #Appreciated

What measures⁤ has‌ the Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, ‍taken to combat‌ corruption in the agricultural sector?

Minister ‌of Agriculture’s Efforts to Eradicate‍ Corruption Deserve Appreciation

The ⁤Indonesian government’s efforts to eradicate ⁣corruption ​have received a boost‌ with ⁣the Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman,‍ taking​ a firm stance against brokers and corruption in the agricultural sector. Political observer ​Ujang Komarudin ‍from Al Azhar University has praised the Minister’s assertiveness, calling it a step in the right direction.

Corruption in ⁤the Ministry of ⁣Agriculture

The Ministry of⁢ Agriculture has been‌ in‌ the spotlight ⁣for⁤ some time ⁤now, with reports of corruption and brokering rampant in ‌the sector. Ujang ​Komarudin has expressed concern over​ the disturbing behavior⁣ of brokers and their networks,⁤ which ‍have harmed farmers and damaged the budget ⁣management system.

Efforts to Eradicate Corruption

Minister Amran Sulaiman’s firm⁢ stance against corruption has been widely appreciated.‍ He has ⁤asked law enforcement officers to arrest brokers and their networks that have hampered the performance of the agricultural sector. The Minister has‌ also emphasized that‌ corruption has⁤ been​ detrimental to farmers, damaging the budget management ​system that should be allocated for their​ interests.

Quick Response to ‍Reports of Corruption

The Ministry of Agriculture has taken swift action in response to reports of ⁤corruption. In‍ August‍ 2024, the Director‍ of ‌Agricultural Equipment and Machinery, Fausiah Landja, reported alleged criminal acts of fraud or cheating under Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning⁣ the ⁣Criminal Code. Similarly,⁤ in June⁤ 2024, Fausiah and Apriliawati reported Jemmy Eduard‌ Evendy‌ and Alfred to the Special ⁢Crimes​ Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya regarding ​alleged manipulation of the procurement ⁣of handsprayer.

Importance‌ of Letting the Minister Work

Ujang Komarudin has⁣ urged that the corruption ⁣eradication efforts carried out by the Minister not be⁣ disturbed by counterproductive narratives⁢ or other​ things, such as​ political motives, let ⁢alone disrupt‌ the ongoing work rhythm. He believes ⁢that the Minister should ‌be allowed to focus on completing his​ strategic programs, free from​ interference.

No Hidden Agendas

According to Ujang, Amran’s⁢ firmness in eradicating corruption should not be misinterpreted as an effort to pursue certain interests. No party should try⁢ to twist the facts and create a narrative as if there is something behind the Minister’s firmness in eradicating⁣ brokering⁣ at the Ministry of ​Agriculture.

The Need for Transparency

The report made by a ‌Ministry ​of Agriculture official⁤ against⁢ a ‌suspected ⁤broker or broker is⁤ proof that the clean-up at the Ministry of Agriculture ‍is a quick response after being highlighted​ by the law some time ago. The Minister’s efforts⁢ to eradicate ‍corruption and ⁢restore public trust in the Ministry of Agriculture‌ are crucial in promoting ⁣transparency and accountability in the sector.

International Cooperation

In a⁢ related development, the Minister of Agriculture has⁣ also⁢ been actively engaging in bilateral meetings with other countries to attract investment in‌ the agricultural‌ sector. The recent meeting with ‌the Brazilian government has​ resulted in a potential investment of Rp4.5 trillion in livestock‌ investment.


the efforts of the Minister⁢ of ‍Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, to eradicate corruption in the sector are a step in the⁤ right direction. His firm stance⁤ against brokers ‌and corruption has been widely appreciated,​ and it is essential to let him focus on ‌completing his strategic programs‌ without interference. ⁢The importance of ⁢transparency and accountability‌ in the sector cannot‍ be overstated, and the Minister’s efforts are ⁤crucial in restoring public ⁤trust in the Ministry of Agriculture.

Keyword List:

Minister of Agriculture

⁤ Andi Amran Sulaiman

Corruption ⁢eradication

Brokers in the Ministry of Agriculture

Agricultural sector

⁣Transparency​ and ⁤accountability

International cooperation

Investment‌ in agriculture

* Livestock ​investment

Meta ⁣Description:

The Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, has taken a​ firm​ stance‌ against corruption in the agricultural⁢ sector. His efforts ⁢to eradicate corruption and ⁤restore public trust⁢ in ⁣the Ministry of Agriculture have been widely appreciated.

SEO-Optimized Title:

Minister ⁤of Agriculture’s Efforts to Eradicate Corruption Deserve ‍Appreciation

– What are the key efforts made by Minister Amran Sulaiman to address corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article based on the provided text:

Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman’s Efforts to Eradicate Corruption Appreciated

The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, has been working diligently to eradicate corruption within the Ministry of Agriculture. His efforts have not gone unnoticed, with political observer Ujang Komarudin from Al Azhar University praising his assertiveness in tackling the issue.

Background of Corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture

Corruption has been a long-standing problem in the Ministry of Agriculture, with brokers and middlemen causing harm to farmers and the agricultural sector as a whole. The Ministry has been in the public spotlight in the past due to corruption allegations, which has led to a loss of public trust.

Minister Amran Sulaiman’s Efforts to Restore Dignity

Minister Amran Sulaiman has taken a firm stance against corruption, and his efforts are aimed at restoring the dignity of the Ministry of Agriculture. He has been working to complete his strategic programs, and his firmness in eradicating corruption should not be misinterpreted as an effort to pursue certain interests.

Support from Political Observer

Ujang Komarudin has expressed his support for Minister Amran Sulaiman’s efforts, stating that he should be allowed to focus on working to complete his programs without being disturbed by counterproductive narratives or political motives. Komarudin believes that the Minister’s efforts are genuine and aimed at restoring the Ministry’s dignity, which was lost due to past corruption scandals.

Report of Suspected Broker

A report by a Ministry of Agriculture official against a suspected broker or middleman is proof that the cleanup at the Ministry is a quick response to the law enforcement efforts. This report highlights the need to eradicate corruption in the agricultural sector, which has been harming farmers and the budget management system.

Request to KPK

Minister Amran Sulaiman has also asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to have an office again at the Ministry of Agriculture. This request is a clear indication of his commitment to eradicating corruption and ensuring transparency in the Ministry’s operations.

Impact of Corruption on Farmers

Corruption has been detrimental to farmers, with brokers and middlemen damaging the budget management system that should be allocated for the interests of agricultural actors. The Minister’s efforts are aimed at addressing this issue and ensuring that farmers receive the support they need to thrive.

Previous Reports of Corruption

In the past, there have been reports of corruption within the Ministry of Agriculture, including allegations of fraud and cheating. These reports have led to investigations and arrests, highlighting the need for continued efforts to eradicate corruption in the sector.


Minister Amran Sulaiman’s efforts to eradicate corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture are appreciated and necessary to restore public trust. His firm stance against corruption is a step in the right direction, and it is essential to support him in his efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the agricultural sector.

Keyword Optimizations:

Minister of Agriculture

Amran Sulaiman



Ministry of Agriculture


Agricultural Sector




* Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

Meta Description:

Minister of Agriculture Amran Sulaiman’s efforts to eradicate corruption in the Ministry of Agriculture are appreciated by political observers. His firm stance against corruption is a step in the right direction to restore public trust and ensure transparency in the agricultural sector.



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