Honoring Belief: The Importance of September 17, 2024, in the Ecclesiastical Calendar

We tell you which church holiday is celebrated on September 17 according to the new and old style, the prohibitions of the day, whose name day it is.

Church holiday today, September 17 / ua.depositphotos.com

On September 17, according to the new church calendar, saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are remembered. We will talk about the traditions and omens of September 17 and which holiday is celebrated today in the church according to the old style.

September 17, 2024 – what a church holiday today according to the new and old church calendar

In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to a new calendar style, and all fixed-date Orthodox holidays moved 13 days earlier. But some believers continue to adhere to the old calendar – the preservation of the old style remains the right of religious communities and monasteries.

What a church holiday in Ukraine today according to the new style

September 17 according to the new church calendar (September 30 according to the old) is the day of commemoration of saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia / ua.depositphotos.com

Sophia lived in the 1st century and was a widow originally from Milan, but together with her daughters – Vera, Nadia and Lyubov – lived in Rome. Sophia herself was a Christian, she also raised her daughters in the same traditions.

Rumors about the wise and virtuous Sophia reached Emperor Hadrian, and he decided to force her and her daughters to bring gifts to the goddess Diana. He ordered them to go to the house of a rich lady for three days, who was supposed to watch over them. Sofia understood what was waiting for them and tried to support the girls in every possible way.

Soon the emperor offered them to worship pagan gods, but Faith, Hope and Love refused. The angry ruler ordered to torture Vera in front of her family, but the torture did not harm her. Then the girl was ordered to be executed. Following her, the emperor dealt with Nadia and Lyubov. The eldest, Vera, was 12 years old, the middle, Nadia – 10, and Lyubov – 9. Adrian gave the bodies of the daughters to their mother – she buried them according to Christian customs and died three days later on their grave.

Church holiday on September 17 according to the old style

Earlier, UNIAN told which church holiday is celebrated according to the old calendar style today – what can and cannot be done on the day of memory of the holy martyr Bavil, the bishop of Great Antioch, and the three youths with him, as well as the icon of the Mother of God “Unburnt Kupina”.

What do the omens say about September 17

September 17 – today’s signs / ua.depositphotos.com

The signs of this day tell us what the Covering and winter will be like:

  • if the morning is cloudy on this day, all the following days will be warm;
  • cranes fly away to warm regions – wait for frost on Pokrov;
  • a fine day – to a cold winter, and if it rains – there will be a lot of snow.

In the people, September 17 is the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love, or the Universal Women’s Name Day, the images of Christian martyrs in the people became symbols of women, all mothers and daughters.

What not to do on September 17

On September 17, as on any other day, the Church opposes quarrels, slander, gossip, slander, condemnation, envy, greed, revenge, despair. One cannot refuse those who ask for help.

The people of this day have a strict prohibition for women – it is believed that on Faith, Hope and Love they should not do any work, including household chores.

What can be done on September 17

Saints great martyrs Vera, Nadia, Lyubov and Sophia are addressed with prayers for family well-being, women’s health and children’s health, and they ask God to grant them a child.

According to folk signs on this day, there must be a loaf of bread on the table – in the old days, it was baked on the night of the holiday, and then decorated with a candle brought from the church. It is believed that each member of the family should eat a piece of such bread – then there will always be happiness and peace in the house.

September 17 – today is the name day

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Vera, Ilya, Lyubov, Myron, Nadiya, Sofia.

According to the old style, Ivan, Pavlo, Julian, Stepan, Elena, Vasyl, Moisei, Peter, Grigoriy, Mykola celebrate the name day.

Previously, we published the church calendar for September 2024 with dates in the old style and in the new style.

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What saints are commemorated on September 17 in the Orthodox Christian calendar?

Here is a comprehensive and‌ SEO-optimized⁢ article on the topic of the church ‍holiday on September 17 according to the⁣ new and old style:

Church‍ Holiday on September 17: What to Expect

Today, September 17, marks a significant day ⁣in the Orthodox Christian calendar, with saints Faith,⁢ Hope, Love,⁤ and their mother Sophia remembered‌ and celebrated. In this article,⁢ we’ll delve into the traditions and omens associated‌ with this day, as well as explore what‍ not to do and⁤ what can⁤ be done on this special day.

September 17 in the New Church Calendar

In 2023, ​the Orthodox​ Church of Ukraine switched to a⁢ new calendar‌ style, moving all fixed-date Orthodox holidays‌ 13 days earlier. According to the new church calendar, September 17 is the day of commemoration of saints Faith,‍ Hope, Love, and their mother Sophia.

The Story⁢ of Sophia and Her Daughters

Sophia, a widow from Milan, lived in Rome with her ⁤three daughters, Vera,​ Nadia, and Lyubov. She raised them in the Christian⁢ faith, and when Emperor ​Hadrian ordered them to bring gifts to the‌ goddess Diana, ​Sophia knew what was at ‌stake. She tried to ​support ⁢her daughters‍ in every way possible, but eventually,‍ they⁢ were all executed for refusing​ to worship pagan gods.

September 17 in the Old Church Calendar

For those who still ⁢adhere to the old ⁤calendar style, September 17‌ marks the day of memory of ⁣the holy martyr Bavil, the bishop of ⁤Great Antioch, and the three youths with him, as well as ⁤the icon of ‌the Mother of‌ God “Unburnt ​Kupina”.

Omens and Signs of September 17

Folk⁣ omens associated with this‍ day foretell ​what the autumn and winter seasons will bring:

⁤ If the morning is cloudy, all the ‌following days will be warm.

Cranes‍ flying ⁤away to warm‌ regions indicate frost on Pokrov.

A fine day predicts a cold winter, while rain indicates a lot of snow.

Women’s​ Name Day and Prohibitions

In folk ‌tradition, September 17 is considered a Universal Women’s Name Day, honoring all mothers and daughters. The images of Christian martyrs Vera, Nadia, ⁢and Lyubov have become ​symbols ​of women.

On this day, ​women are prohibited from⁣ doing any⁣ work, ‌including household chores, ⁣as a sign⁤ of respect‍ for the ​saints.

What to Do on September 17

On this special ⁢day,‍ prayers are offered ⁢to‌ saints Vera, Nadia, Lyubov, and Sophia for family well-being, women’s health, and children’s‍ health. It is believed ​that‌ God grants a​ child ⁣to those ⁤who pray to these saints.

Moreover, according to ​folk signs, ⁤a ⁢loaf of bread must be on the table, symbolizing abundance and fertility.


September 17 is a significant day⁣ in the Orthodox Christian​ calendar, honoring saints Faith, Hope, Love,⁤ and​ their mother Sophia. With its rich history, omens, and traditions, this day reminds us of the importance of family, faith, and ‍community. By understanding ‍what not to do and ⁤what can be done on this​ day, we can deepen our connection with⁣ our ⁢spiritual ‍heritage‍ and honor the memory of these‍ saintly women.

Keyword optimization:

Church holiday on September ⁣17

‌New⁢ and old church⁣ calendar

Saints Faith,‌ Hope, Love, and⁣ Sophia

‍ Omens and signs of September 17

Women’s ‌Name Day

⁢ Prohibitions and traditions on September 17

Orthodox Christian calendar

Family well-being and women’s health

​Folk signs and omens of autumn and winter seasons

What do Orthodox Christians celebrate on September 17?

Church Holiday Today, September 17: Celebrating Faith, Hope, Love, and Sophia

On September 17, the Orthodox Church commemorates the lives of saints Faith, Hope, Love, and their mother Sophia, according to the new church calendar. This day holds great significance in the Orthodox Christian calendar, and we’ll delve into the traditions, omens, and prohibitions associated with this day.

September 17, 2024: What’s the Church Holiday Today According to the New and Old Church Calendar?

In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine adopted a new calendar style, shifting fixed-date Orthodox holidays 13 days earlier. However, some believers continue to observe the old calendar, which remains the right of religious communities and monasteries.

What’s the Church Holiday in Ukraine Today According to the New Style?

September 17, according to the new church calendar (September 30 according to the old calendar), is the day of commemoration of saints Faith, Hope, Love, and their mother Sophia. Sophia, a widow from Milan, lived in Rome with her three daughters, Vera, Nadia, and Lyubov. Despite Emperor Hadrian’s attempts to force them to worship pagan gods, the family remained devoted to Christianity.

The Story of Sophia and Her Daughters

When Emperor Hadrian ordered Sophia and her daughters to bring gifts to the goddess Diana, Sophia supported her girls, and they refused to comply. The emperor’s subsequent attempts to torture and execute the family only strengthened their faith. Sophia eventually died on her daughters’ grave, becoming a martyr for her unwavering devotion to Christianity.

Church Holiday on September 17 According to the Old Style

According to the old calendar style, September 17 is the day of memory of the holy martyr Bavil, the bishop of Great Antioch, and the three youths with him, as well as the icon of the Mother of God “Unburnt Kupina.”

What Do the Omens Say About September 17?

The omens associated with September 17 predict the weather for the coming winter:

A cloudy morning indicates warm days ahead.

Cranes flying away to warm regions signal frost on Pokrov.

* A fine day foretells a cold winter, while rain indicates a snowy season.



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