Honoring a Literary Legacy: Celebrating the Life of Rolandas Rastauskas

Farewell to the writer will take place in Vilnius St. John’s Church (12 Šv. Jono St., Vilnius) on September 10. from 14:00 to 21:00 and September 11 from 9 to 11 The urn will be removed at 11 am. and transported to Palanga.

In Palanga, it will be possible to say goodbye to the deceased at the Antanas Mončis Art Museum (16 S. Daukant st., Palanga) on September 11. from 17:00 to 21:00 and September 12 from 8 to 12 o’clock.

The urn with the ashes of the deceased will be buried on September 12. In the old cemetery of the city of Palanga, family grave.

St. Mass for the deceased will be offered at Palanga St. In the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Vytauto St. 51, Palanga) on September 12. at 8 o’clock.

R.Rastauskas was born in 1954. October 13 in Vilnius. in 1978 graduated in English philology from Vilnius University (VU). 1978-1986 worked at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, taught at VU, since 1986 taught at Klaipėda University.

In 2016-2017 he worked at the Lithuanian National Drama Theater, in 1989-1990 was “Atgimimo”, 1993-2003. – “Lietuvos ryto”, 2003-2004 Akiračių (Chicago, USA) and since 2005 “Business Class” columnist.

in 1990 he became a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union.

He made his debut in 1987, after publishing the collection of poems “Album”. Two years later, the book of plays “The Kite Race; Talmantas Žuvėdra” (1989).

Later, two more books of poems were published: Lament of the Sloth (1992) and Actor Retires (1996). in 2011 The book of theatrical stories “Bermuda Triangle” was published.

In 2006 together with the percussionist, avant-garde artist Arkadius Gotesmans. prepared a book of poems and a CD called “Metimas”. Together, they organized performative poetry readings for many years.

In the field of Lithuanian literature, he is considered one of the most prominent creators and teachers of the essay genre. in 2004 his first book of essays “Kitas pasaulis” reached readers, followed by the second collection “Privati ​​territoria” (2009) and “The Third Volume” (2015).

In 2021, the writer published a prose book “Venice live”.

Presentation of the book “Weeping bronze: travel book 1993–2023” by Irmantas Gelūnas/BNS photo/Roland Rastauskas

At the beginning of this year, his collection “Vkianti bronza” appeared, which publishes travel essays covering the period 1993-2023.

October 13 of this year. the writer would have turned 70 years old.

R. Rastauskas was awarded the I. Simonaitytė Literary Prize, the Literature Prize of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (both in 2006), the Lithuanian National Prize (2010), the Jotvingių Prize (2015), the Knight’s Cross of the Order “For Services to Lithuania” ( 2015).

Critics draw attention to the unique style of R. Rastauskas, his sense of language and his extensive knowledge of world culture.

The TV movie “Vaikštūnas RoRa” (2006, director Juozas Javaitis) was created about the writer.

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#clear #goodbye #unexpectedly #deceased #writer #Rolandas #Rastauskas #Culture
2024-09-09 22:49:36

Here are some PAA (People ‍Also‌ Ask) related questions for the title **”Remembering Roland Rastauskas: A Celebrated Lithuanian Writer and Teacher”**:

Remembering Roland Rastauskas: ⁣A Celebrated Lithuanian Writer and Teacher

The literary ​world is mourning the loss of ⁢Roland ⁤Rastauskas, a prominent Lithuanian‍ writer, teacher, and⁤ essayist, who passed away recently. His farewell ceremony will take place in Vilnius St. John’s Church on September 10⁢ and 11, followed by a funeral in‍ Palanga on⁢ September ‌12.

A Life Dedicated to Literature

Roland‍ Rastauskas was born on October 13, 1954, ‌in Vilnius, Lithuania. He graduated in English philology from ​Vilnius University in 1978 and went on to ⁣work ​at ⁤the Lithuanian National⁤ Opera and Ballet Theater, teach at Vilnius University, and later at Klaipėda University. He was ‍a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union ⁤since 1990 and made his debut⁣ in 1987 with the collection of poems “Album”.

A‍ Prolific Writer

Rastauskas was a prolific writer, with numerous publications to his credit. He published two more books of poems, “Lament of the⁤ Sloth” (1992) and “Actor Retires” (1996), and a book of theatrical stories,​ “Bermuda Triangle” (2011). ‌In 2004, he⁤ published his ‍first book of ‌essays, “Kitas pasaulis”, followed by ​”Privati ​​territoria” (2009) and “The Third Volume” (2015). ​In 2021, he published a prose book, “Venice live”.

Awards and Recognition

Rastauskas received numerous awards ​for his contributions to Lithuanian literature. He was awarded the I. Simonaitytė Literary Prize, the Literature Prize of‌ the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (both in 2006), ⁤the Lithuanian National Prize (2010), the Jotvingių Prize (2015),‌ and the Knight’s⁣ Cross of the Order “For Services to Lithuania” (2015).

Teaching and Mentoring

Rastauskas was not only a‌ celebrated writer but ⁣also‌ a dedicated teacher. He taught at‍ Klaipėda University and was considered one of the most prominent creators and⁢ teachers of the essay⁤ genre in ​Lithuania. His unique style, sense⁣ of language, and extensive knowledge‍ of world culture ‌were widely appreciated​ by ⁤his students and peers.


Rastauskas’ legacy extends beyond his literary works. A TV movie, “Vaikštūnas RoRa” (2006), ⁣was created ‌about his life and work. His‌ collection​ of travel essays, “Vkianti bronza”, published ‍earlier this year, covers the period from 1993 to 2023.

Farewell Ceremony

The farewell ceremony for Roland Rastauskas will take place ⁣in Vilnius St. John’s⁢ Church ⁣on ‍September 10 and⁣ 11, and in Palanga at the⁢ Antanas Mončis Art Museum on September 11 and 12. A St. Mass will be offered at‍ Palanga St. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary ​on September 12.

As the literary community bids farewell to this remarkable writer and teacher, his works will continue to inspire and enrich the lives of readers in Lithuania and beyond.



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Here are some potential PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title “Farewell to R. Rastauskas: A Legendary Lithuanian Writer and Essayist”:

Farewell to R. Rastauskas: A Legendary Lithuanian Writer and Essayist

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to R. Rastauskas, a prominent Lithuanian writer, essayist, and teacher, who left an indelible mark on the country’s literary landscape. His passing is a tremendous loss to the literary community, and his contributions will be deeply missed.

R. Rastauskas was born on October 13, 1954, in Vilnius, Lithuania. He graduated with a degree in English philology from Vilnius University in 1978 and went on to work at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, teach at Vilnius University, and later at Klaipėda University.

The writer’s journey began in 1987 with the publication of his collection of poems, “Album.” This was followed by the book of plays “The Kite Race; Talmantas Žuvėdra” in 1989. Over the years, he published several more books of poems, including “Lament of the Sloth” (1992) and “Actor Retires” (1996). In 2011, he published the book of theatrical stories “Bermuda Triangle.”

R. Rastauskas was also an accomplished essayist, considered one of the most prominent creators and teachers of the essay genre in Lithuania. His first book of essays, “Kitas pasaulis,” was published in 2004, followed by “Privati ​​territoria” (2009) and “The Third Volume” (2015). In 2021, he published a prose book, “Venice live.”

In 2024, he released a collection of travel essays, “Vkianti bronza,” which covers the period from 1993 to 2023. This collection is a testament to his dedication to the art of writing and his passion for exploring the world around him.

Throughout his career, R. Rastauskas received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to Lithuanian literature. He was awarded the I. Simonaitytė Literary Prize, the Literature Prize of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (both in 2006), the Lithuanian National Prize (2010), the Jotvingių Prize (2015), and the Knight’s Cross of the Order “For Services to Lithuania” (2015).

R. Rastauskas was not only a prolific writer but also an excellent teacher and mentor. He was a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union and worked as a columnist for various publications, including “Atgimimo” (1989-1990), “Lietuvos ryto” (1993-2003), “Akiračių” (Chicago, USA; 2003-2004), and “Business Class” (since 2005).

In addition to his literary accomplishments, R. Rastauskas was known for his collaborations with other artists. In 2006, he worked with percussionist and avant-garde artist Arkadius Gotesmans to create a book of poems and a CD called “Metimas.” Together, they organized performative poetry readings that captivated audiences for many years.

As we bid farewell to this literary giant, we remember his incredible contributions to Lithuanian literature, his passion for the art of writing, and his dedication to mentoring and inspiring future



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