Hong Kong People and Mainland Misunderstandings: A Cultural Perspective and Healing Journey

2023-06-23 06:58:00

When traveling in Morocco, a small country in North Africa, I met a young mainland backpacker who was wandering alone. As soon as he saw us speaking Cantonese, he took the initiative to come over and strike up a conversation: “Chinese?”

I said, “Yes, where are you from?”

“Anhui, how about you?”

“Hong Kong.” Hearing this answer, his face obviously darkened, his smile disappeared, the joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign country suddenly disappeared, and turned into a wary hostility.

“Anhui is so beautiful. I most want to go to the ancient city of Huizhou with many archways…” I hoped to clear up his misunderstanding of the word “Hong Kong people”, so I chatted with him about my hometown.

Sure enough, he smiled back, talked about the beauty of Anhui, and asked, “Are you born in the Mainland?”

“No, I’m a native of Hong Kong.”

“Then how do you know Anhui? Why can you speak Mandarin? Hong Kong people don’t even know mainlanders…”

The black storm in 2019 smashed the golden signboard of “Hong Kong People”. In the past, we were the pride of others. When you say “from Hong Kong”, everyone treats you like a distinguished guest, and everyone treats you differently. But today, “Hong Kong people” is no longer a glorious identity, especially for mainland compatriots, it is really embarrassing to say it.

My daughter recently traveled to Tibet with a few classmates. They joined a local tour group in Tibet. The tour guide and mainland group members asked curiously at the first sentence: “Young people in Hong Kong don’t like the mainland. Why did you come to Tibet?”

A black storm has made mainlanders mistakenly believe that all Hong Kong people are anti-bones and anti-country.

Over the years, we have often said that we want to eliminate Hong Kong people’s misunderstandings about the mainland. In fact, we want to heal the pain of mainland people being stabbed by Hong Kong. Imagine, a son who thinks he has made a fortune, not only laughs at the parents who have worked so hard to raise you, but also cooperates with foreign enemies to throw stones at them. Parents tolerate you, but other children cannot bear you.

Hong Kong people are ashamed of their mainland compatriots. They have been unfilial sons for 26 years, have not paid taxes to the country, and have not paid a dime for national defense. You don’t have to suffer from the country, but you can enjoy the sweetness of the country.

Today, great powers have risen and become a big backer, but our thinking is still like a prodigal son. The black storm is caused by my grandpa going abroad to bring peace to the law, and the epidemic is sent by my grandpa to send supplies to rescue; the elderly are retired, and the Greater Bay Area provides preferential benefits so that everyone can enjoy their old age; young people have no way out, even though mainland graduates find jobs To break the head, we must also reserve places for young people in Hong Kong in enterprises in the Greater Bay Area…

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We are used to looking for backers to solve problems, and we gradually forget our responsibilities. Therefore, the funeral city that no one likes wants to push it to the mainland. Recently, some councilors even suggested that all mental patients should be sent to the Greater Bay Area for recuperation.

Hong Kong people, especially those in power, really need to learn to empathize. While asking for help in everything, please also take into account the feelings of the 1.4 billion compatriots.

The well-known mainland blogger Jing Haihou wrote in the articles “Hong Kong is not in the Greater Bay Area” and “Release Mental Illness in the Greater Bay Area? ” mentioned a thought-provoking point of view: “Hong Kong society and Hong Kong youth need to understand that what the Greater Bay Area needs is talents, not population, and what needs to be done is tolerance, not accommodation.”

“The Greater Bay Area should never be regarded as a landfill for contradictions, a shelter for problems, and a relief house for unlimited transfer of various difficulties.”

“Hong Kong society should understand that the central government fully supports Hong Kong in resolving people’s livelihood difficulties, but the main responsibility lies with the chief executive and the SAR government, and the main space is within the SAR. Housing, education, medical care and other livelihood issues are ultimately the SAR’s own affairs. “

“There are still some people in Hong Kong society and even the governing groups who have a “giant baby mentality”. They want to rely on the central government to promote everything and rely on the state to solve everything. When encountering some difficulties, they want to seek special treatment and seek external solutions. This kind of thinking is unacceptable.”

Don’t ask what the country can give you? Ask yourself what can you do for your country? Hong Kong people, please stop being an unfilial giant baby of the country, otherwise, it will be difficult for Hong Kong people to raise their heads in the eyes of their mainland compatriots.

Image source: Hong Kong people talking about the land

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