Homer of Polakis and unrepentant 2024-08-12 03:15:54

In an interview with the First Program, Mr. Kasselakis not only did not make a trace of self-criticism but insisted on the excuse of the “tank” for the famous swimming pool of his villa, repeated the attacks against Justice and fired shots at all his political opponents.

He referred positively to the tenure of the then Deputy Minister of Health Pavlos Polakis, stated that he was disappointed by PASOK, which “voted for the merger of Attica Bank with Pankritia”, he rubbed his hands for Christos Spirtzis saying that “the competent body will decide” and indulged in a crescendo of populism to defend the claim that he was under fire from the government and the media.

“Unacceptable research”

Referring to the conclusion of the Supreme Court on the wiretapping, he spoke of an “unacceptable investigation”, stressing that it is not possible for “such an investigation to end at such a point without purpose” and that it “insults the intelligence of the world” and is a “blow to democracy”. . Asked about the issue with the SYRIZA media, he stated that “it has occupied him for many months” and that he “sympathizes with the workers”, adding that the plan they presented was not sustainable, placing no more or less responsibility on them!

He also noted that the “irony” he receives from the N.D. regarding his vacation is “hypocritical” as the reason things have come to this is that it “serves transparency”. Something that, as he said, ND does not do, as it does not present the terms of its debt settlement. “If Greece had the debt regulation of the N.D. we would not have any Memorandum”, he characteristically said.

According to Georgiadis

With reference to the situation in the National Health Service, he underlined that the “videos that have been released are the reality, as health personnel and doctors are fighting and really breaking out”. He referred, in fact, to Adonis Georgiadis, as the “Minister of Dissolution of Health” and emphasized that “in a possible SYRIZA government, Public Health will be a priority, above even defense funds”. He pointed out that the previous SYRIZA government did “enormous social work”, commenting that his disagreements with his predecessor do not concern the period of his government, of which “he is proud”.

Asked about punctuality issues, including increased ferries, he spoke of “oligopolies”, blaming the “heavy neoliberal agenda of the N.D.” However, he noted that the world perceives the “mockery” and that it is “a given that the deterioration of the N.D.”

“The political philosophy of the N.D. is failing,” he said, while noting at the same time that beyond Greece, and in Europe, there is a “crisis” in terms of the persuasiveness of the progressive agenda. “I intend to present this modern left-wing proposal to the TIF. How exactly can a progressive government program be set up”, emphasized St. Kasselakis.

For Center Left

Regarding the future developments for the Center-Left, he said that “abstention emerged as the largest party in the European elections” and that whatever form exists in the progressive space must convince that it will change “the course of history” and that what is missing from SYRIZA is the “credibility for governability”.

Regarding the issue of the referral of Christos Spirtzis to the Ethics Committee, he refused to comment and referred to the competent bodies.

Regarding the issue of the swimming pool, he spoke of “distortion” by the newspaper, since, as he said, “it is 1.20 m deep and was built in a former tank” and commented that “it says a lot that “illegal material” was used”. “Does anyone believe that 36-year-old Stefanos Kasselakis is the cause of the country’s woes?”, he asked, leaving tips for attempts to “disorient” public opinion.


“If you are 36 years old you can have an illegal pool”

Megaros Maximos’ response to Kasselakis’ allegations was immediate. Government sources commented: “Mr. Kasselakis’ unsubstantiated and unsubstantiated speech, his constant attacks on the judiciary and slanders against political opponents no longer surprise anyone. What we learned from his interview today is that someone can enjoy an illegal swimming pool as long as they are 36 years old and its depth does not exceed 120 cm. He forgot to tell us at what age and at what depth of pool legality starts. Perhaps his prolonged exposure to the Mykonian sun had a significant effect on him. Let’s hope that the dips in his illegal pool in the Spetses villa will help to “land” in reality.

#Homer #Polakis #unrepentant



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