Homemade Cappuccino – Panelatherapy

2023-08-24 13:15:24

If you like coffee, get ready, today I’m going to give you lots of recipes for Homemade Cappuccino! If you think you can only have a good cappuccino in a coffee shop, I’ll change your mind right now!

Add strong coffee mixed with creamy milk and a cloud of foam on top and you’ll have one of the best ways to wake up that I can teach you, and I’ve even taught you how to make it for sale here, so let’s get to know the possibilities!

Differences from Cappuccino

It has traditional cappuccino, with chocolate, banana, cinnamon, vanilla, but the charm is the foam. Take a look at the magic that the baristas work on that foam decoration: It goes from drawings and hearts to leaves and faces, but we can stick to making a pretty “cloud” because, in the end, what counts is the taste!

Basic cappuccino recipe

Cappuccino can not only be a personal experience, it can also bring you income, following all, because it is a drink that everyone likes, you just have to create your own recipe and serve or even sell the mixture! So let’s go to the basic homemade recipe that you can prepare in your own kitchen.


  • 1 cup of strong coffee (either espresso or strong brewed coffee)
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar (or to taste)
  • 1/2 tsp cocoa powder (optional, for a chocolatey kick)
  • Cinnamon powder for sprinkling (optional)

Way of doing:

  1. Prepare strong coffee according to your preference, but if you are going to use strained coffee, pay attention to the coffee powder so that the flavor is intense.
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan, but do not bring it to a boil, to make a denser foam, use a milk mixer or a hand frother.
  3. Add a touch of chocolate to this mix the cocoa powder in the still hot coffee and stir well until dissolved.
  4. Then, in a cup, first put the prepared coffee and sugar to taste, stir well to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Pour the heated milk over the coffee, but pay attention to the cat’s jump: With a spoon, hold the foam to release it last, making it stay on top.
  6. Finally, to make it nice, sprinkle some cocoa powder or cinnamon on top of the foam.

Remembering that you can make your own recipe, so spend some time adjusting the proportions of the ingredients according to your personal preferences.

Recipes with Cappuccino

And cappuccino is not just a good cup of joy, you can take this delight and innovate by making a delicious Pudding or a Gourmet Brigadeiro.

Now you have no more excuses to leave this delicious coffee aside, so let’s call your friends for a relaxed chat with your unique cappuccino recipe ☕

You already know, right? If you have any comments, do not hesitate to write to me and if you make the recipe, tag me on social networks, I love to see what you do, let’s do it!

#Homemade #Cappuccino #Panelatherapy



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