Home Guide to Detecting and Managing Diabetes: Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention Tips

2023-10-29 04:01:54

Diabetes is a widespread disease in Germany – especially type 2, which affects over 95 percent of patients. However, diabetes often remains undetected. Watch for symptoms.

Frankfurt – Every year around 560,000 people in Germany are diagnosed Diabetes mellitus, according to the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD). It is assumed that seven to eight million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. This metabolic disease in which Insulin plays a central role, is one of the most serious widespread diseases. If left untreated, diabetes can cause irreversible damage to the eyes, kidneys and nervous system. The disease often leads to amputations, as is the case with the so-called diabetes foot syndrome. In addition, the risk of heart attack or stroke is three times higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics. The life expectancy of people with diabetes is also reduced. Type 2 diabetes usually develops inconspicuous, without clear symptoms and can go undetected for years remain.

Diabetes: Which factors increase the risk of developing the disease

In many cases, type 1 diabetes is genetic Autoimmune disease, while type 2 diabetes is often seen as a result of a so-called affluent lifestyle. Risk factors such as an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, stress and regular alcohol consumption and smoking are responsible for up to 80 percent of cases – risks that also have the potential to increase Tumor diseases and carcinomas How Colon cancer and cause stomach cancer.

A blood glucose meter can be used to quickly detect elevated values, but symptoms can also reveal diabetes. © kasto/Imago

1st symptom of diabetes: intense thirst

Diabetes is often colloquially referred to as diabetes. People with elevated blood sugar levels and early diabetes often suffer from increased thirst. The kidney attempts to eliminate excess sugar (glucose) in the body by binding water and thereby removing fluid. This results in an intense feeling of thirst.

2nd symptom of diabetes: strong urge to urinate

People who have an increased urge to urinate, especially at night, should have their blood sugar levels checked: If the blood sugar level exceeds the capacity of the kidneys, the organism tries to excrete the excess sugar through the urinary bladder. This results in frequent urination.

3rd symptom of diabetes: frequent bladder infections

Women in particular usually suffer from frequent urge to urinate and urinary tract infections, also in connection with diabetes. The Excess blood sugar is excreted by the kidneys into the urine, which provides an additional source of nutrients for bacteria.

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4th symptom of diabetes: frequent muscle cramps

In people with diabetes, frequent and intense muscle cramps, especially in the calves or feet, may be a sign. These cramps indicate a disruption in mineral balance due to fluid loss. In advanced diabetes, muscle cramps could indicate nerve damage, according to pharmacy magazine.

5th symptom of diabetes: severe fatigue

Severe and persistent fatigue is one of the first indicators of diabetes. Excess sugar in the body affects metabolism and energy intake, often leading to profound fatigue.

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6th symptom of diabetes: worsening of vision

A typical symptom of diabetes is blurred vision, coupled with a general deterioration in vision and varying vision. Especially if a person’s vision is blurry in the morning and rather clear in the afternoon, this could indicate previously unrecognized diabetes mellitus. The rapid changes in visual acuity are due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, such as Pharmaceutical newspaper explained.

7th symptom of diabetes: dry skin

The loss of fluid, partly caused by frequent urination, affects the skin, which is no longer adequately hydrated. People with diabetes often struggle with dry, brittle and injury-prone skin.

8th symptom of diabetes: sensitive skin

Individuals suffering from diabetes increasingly have sensitive skin that is prone to cracks and injuries, particularly on the feet (known as “diabetic foot”). Due to diabetes, nerve functions are impaired and blood circulation is disturbed, which promotes pressure points and wounds.

9th symptom of diabetes: dizziness attacks

Diabetes patients often experience sugar-induced dizziness, which is due to nerve problems, particularly in the feet. This results in those affected finding it difficult to maintain a steady gait, according to pharmacy magazine.

10th symptom of diabetes: hunger and loss of appetite

Rapidly changing periods of hunger and lack of appetite are characteristic signs associated with diabetes and varying insulin levels. Falling blood sugar levels stimulate hunger, while increased blood sugar levels promote insulin release and impair feelings of fullness.

Six symptoms in the mouth can also indicate diabetes.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.

This article was revised using machine assistance and carefully checked by editor Anne Tessin before publication.

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