Home: Due to the KEHI report, Péter Magyar began to criticize András Hont, who responded in a Facebook post

At home: Due to the KEHI report, Péter Magyar began to criticize András Hont, who responded in a Facebook post | hvg.hu

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October 2024. 02. 16:24 October 2024. 02. 16:31 At home

The president of the Tisza Party and the journalist of Átlátszó spoke about the article about the KEHI report on the Student Loan Center.

According to Péter Magyar, the KEHI report, which it is about, is an illegally “obtained” secret document Transparentn András Hont and Eszter Katus wrote an article – this is clear from the announcement that the Tisza Party president issued on Wednesday, the day the article was published.

The Transparent The report cited by the Government Audit Office (KEHI) was prepared in August 2021 about Diákhitel Zrt., and objections were raised regarding some specific contracts. The investigation took place during the period when Péter Magyar, the current president of the Tisza Party, was the head of the Student Loan Center (DHK). KEHI examined the contracts and found that in several cases there was no real competition or overpricing.

In his response, Magyar complained to Hont that the journalist was not brave enough to make the report public in its entirety, he only skimmed it. He also missed the contracts concluded during the time of his predecessor, as well as the fact that “the findings regarding Rogán’s hundred million contracts should also be made public,” as well as “why the Government Audit Office did not file a report either in 2021 or since.”

Péter Hungarian

The extremely transparent government propagandist András Hont made a “huge” announcement today. Similar to journalist András Dezső’s summer campaign, he illegally “acquired” a secret…

According to the party president, since a report was filed in the case, “Péter Polt’s prosecutor’s office will soon say whether the then and current head of the Government Audit Office participated in the cover-up of crimes, or whether the opposite happened, even despite the government’s order, he could not accuse me no illegality by the authority”.

András Hont responded to Péter Magyar’s statement on his Facebook page. He wrote that the politician is constantly arguing that the KEHI report was illegally obtained and made public. The papers, on the other hand, only work this way: they get information and documents from such and such sources, and then, if the public interest dictates it, they take them down, Hont wrote. In his post, he contrasted Magyar’s audio recording – which the politician recorded of his conversation with his ex-wife, Judit Varga – with when HVG (András Hont was a journalist for our paper at the time) made public the recording of the traffic jam. He believed that the latter was in the public interest, while Magyar’s admission was not.

András Hont

Pay attention, pups. It’s starting to resemble what you’re playing, like when the child goes home with the certificate, he’s already standing at the door, he knows he’ll be at his father’s in a few moments, yet he persists,…

According to Hont, the entire report was processed, despite Magyar’s claims to the contrary. About the complaint, the journalist wrote: the reason why it has not been filed before is because the members of the NER protect each other.

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