Holy Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aegialia: Solemn Masses in memory of Saint Athanasios Hamakiots of Agiolauriotos

Holy Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aegialia: Solemn Masses in memory of Saint Athanasios Hamakiots of Agiolauriotos

On Saturday, August 17, 2024, the day of commemoration of the interment of the Holy Father Athanasios Hamakiots of Agiolauriotos, our Seventh Pastor, His Eminence Metropolitan of Kalavryta and Aegialia, Mr. Ieronymos, celebrated the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist in the Holy Church of Agios Andreas Tourlados, from where he came the recently canonized Saint Athanasios.

His Eminence was flanked by the Hierarchical Commissioner of Kalavryton Fr. Christos Birbas and the Most Reverend Protopresbyter Fr. Spyridon Kazanis, from the Holy Metropolis of Peristeri, who comes from Tourlada and is president of the local Association.

In addition, on the same day, in the Historic Holy Monastery of Agia Lavra, where Saint Athanasios became a monk and ascetic, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani Mr. Pavlos celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

“Holy Athanasios Hamakiotis was a man of rare spiritual gifts, overflowing with love for God and man, and adorned with all the holy virtues; meek, humble, modest, peaceful, patient, ascetic, a genuine shepherd and spiritual father, a true fighter , who by the grace of God put on the garment of holiness.

Holy Metropolis of Kalavryta and Aegialia: Solemn Masses in memory of Saint Athanasios Hamakiots of Agiolauriotos

In a period of apostasy and man’s distance from God, Saint Athanasios calls us to sincere repentance, spiritual vigilance, humility, confession and participation in the Mysteries of our Church, in order to receive and taste Christ and walk with Him, in from the difficulties and problems of life, to His Kingdom.”

His Holiness assured the faithful that in the face of the Holy One they can recognize a friend of God, a fellow sufferer and cheerful supplicant, who will intercede with the Triune God and pray fervently for their well-being, spiritual progress and salvation.


Finally, he warmly thanked our Ecumenical Patriarch Mr. Bartholomew and the members of the Holy and Holy Synod concerning him for the ranking of Saint Athanasios among the Saints of the Orthodox Church, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Kifissia, Amarousi, Oropou and Marathon, etc. Cyril for the transfer and grant of a fragment of the Holy Relic of Saint Athanasios to the Holy Monastery of Agia Lavra, the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani, Mr. Pavlos, who, participating in the first official celebration, after the canonization, on the day of commemoration of the Holy Dormition of Saint, officiated at the Holy Monastery of Agia Lavra, as well as the present Reverend Protopresbyter Fr Spyridon Kazanis.


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