Holy Companion Church. From autonomy to migrants, the Vatican changes its line –

Thomas Manni

The progressive faction of the Church, one of the three souls into which it is divided, has taken to the field and is attacking migrants, ius scholae and Autonomy. The times when the Pope attended the G7 in Borgo Egnazia alongside Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni seem far away. But let’s start from the beginning. The Pope’s attack against those who “systematically and by any means reject migrants is very harsh. And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin”. Although some, even within the Vatican, may have turned up their noses, it is not strange for the Pope to take a position, albeit a harsh one, on migrants. The Pope is the Pope, just to simplify the concept. And if we then analyze his statements, we understand that his positions are not so different from those of the government. When the pontiff says that it is “necessary” to open “safe and regular access routes for migrants, facilitating refuge for those fleeing war, violence, persecution and various calamities” he is not saying anything different from the concept that inspired the Mattei Plan. Find a safe route for them to arrive and above all ensure that once they have landed they do not have to wander around the peninsula at the mercy of events waiting for the day when they will start committing crimes, even just out of necessity. But try to create the conditions, right from the start, to ensure that they arrive and find employment.

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When the Pope says that we must join forces “to stop criminal traffickers who mercilessly exploit the misery of others” he is not saying anything different from what the Cutro Decree was created for: to hunt down smugglers and traffickers of human beings throughout the “globe”. However, as already said, the Pope is the Pope. What is surprising are the tough positions taken by the CEI which is the true governing body in the shadow of the Vatican. The words of the vice president of the CEI Francesco Savino against differentiated autonomy, branded as “a mortal danger” and in favor of the ius scholae considered an “act of justice” if on the one hand have pleased Forza Italia and Tajani, on the other have sent the League into a rage. If the opening on the reform of the law on citizenship can be read as a wink from Forza Italia to the Catholic world, via Bellerio makes another choice. The leader of the Northern League does not mince his words: «The Italian bishops are shooting at zero on the Autonomy, approved by Parliament and recognized in the Constitution. With all due respect, I absolutely disagree: the Autonomy will bring efficiency, modernity, more services to citizens and less waste». But on this point there was also a harsh response from the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia who is already ready to ask for nine subjects after the final green light to the Calderoli bill. He says he is «surprised and disappointed» by Savino’s words. «We are used to a Church that shows the way, we respect it but this time – the governor underlines – the direction is wrong, fueled by biased information. It is important to understand whether it is an isolated opinion or an official position of the CEI».

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On the day the Prime Minister received at Palazzo Chigi the President of the Calabria Region and Deputy Secretary of Forza Italia, Roberto Occhiuto, one of the most skeptical after the launch of the reform, the debate heats up. The League also opens another front with the CEI on the migrant dossier. “The CEI should be clear with the faithful and tell them how many migrants it intends to host in the Vatican. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, so we are certain that the bishops will be able to propose concrete solutions. We do not want to believe that the Italian Episcopal Conference can be influenced in any way by politics” observes the deputy of via Bellerio Igor Iezzi, group leader in the Constitutional Affairs Committee. And his colleague Rossano Sasso adds: “The news that appeared in the newspapers according to which some missions of the NGOs, close to environments of the social centers, were also financed with resources from the offerings of the faithful, raises questions about the attitude of the CEI”.

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#Holy #Companion #Church #autonomy #migrants #Vatican #line #Tempo
2024-09-01 03:57:44



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