Holistic Abdomen Care: Achieve Wellness and Aesthetics through Digestive Health

2023-07-08 06:56:07

Take care of the abdomen in a holistic way

He healthy abdomen does not have to be flat. Or if. It all depends. His wellness and aesthetics they depend on many different factors that go beyond the classic exercise/low-fat diet/treatment formula. Their care acquires a holistic dimension in which the digestive health plays a fundamental role. Gone are the sit-up marathons with the (sometimes unrealistic) goal of achieving core ultratoned. Waves diets restrictive to eliminate fat without taking into account other factors beyond aesthetics. The intestine is the second brain and taking care of its health is the starting point of a comprehensive approach to the treatment (and beautification) from the central area of ​​the body.

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“Among the reasons for consultation we find normal-weight patients who are concerned regarding different aesthetic alterations such as localized abdominal fat, abdominal distension or swelling, inflammation, increased gas, poor digestion or alterations in intestinal transit. In the 360º approach to this area, we study all the possible causes of these alterations and they all have in common a origin in the balance of digestive health. In order to have an aesthetically optimal gut, in addition to carrying out medical treatments aimed at lipolysis and regular exercise, it is necessary to make changes in the diet to maintain digestive health”, explains the doctor mar miracoordinator of Mira + Cueto Clinic.

The extreme importance of gut health

In other words –those of the nutritionist Leticia Carreradirector of Career Happiness Center–, “if we take care of intestinal health we can lose volume and weight more easily”. It is, as the coach nutritional Cristina Barrousto demolish the concept of the flat stomach: “The shape of our abdomen may not be flat due to a physiological and anatomical issue“, Explain. And change it for the one with a healthy belly. And that will also lead to an improvement in its appearance. In this journey to try to have wise digestions, good habits add up. It is true that digestion is a complex process that can be altered for reasons that go beyond the good praxis –The study of the microbiome helps to find an explanation for many disorders. But there are gestures that promote intestinal health and, in turn, the reduction of abdominal fat.

“He gut-brain axis It is a two-way road that connects both organs: the quality of digestion and food will have an impact on emotions, fatigue and concentration. And, at the same time, the quality of emotions it will impact the digestion processes”, says Barrous. To which Dr. Mira adds another piece of information that connects aesthetics, well-being and emotions: “70% of serotonin is synthesized in the intestine.. Therefore, removing everything that does not add to intestinal well-being, such as sugars, ultra-processed foods and refined cereals, is as necessary as adding what is good for you. On the one hand the prebiotics in the form of fiber (fruits, vegetables, vegetables and whole grains), and probiotics that have beneficial microorganisms for the stomach (pickles, kefir or kombucha, among them).

conscious physical exercise

On this journey to a healthy and beautiful abdomenwe cannot forget the conscious physical exercise that, in addition to strengthening, takes care of the posture – disciplines such as barre, yoga or pilates–. Nor the efficacy of the new generation of treatments. “Transform by InmodeFor example, it reduces abdominal fat, tightens the skin to correct flaccidity, and tones muscle. They are effective protocols, but the inflammation due to digestive problems it cannot be dealt with technology but with Healthy habits”, concludes Carrera.

Inside and outside

He holistic belly care –which is also affected by hormonal swings– includes nourishing creams (hydration is the basis of elasticity), rituals detox and cosmetics.

By Alexandra Lores

#healthy #abdomen #flat #depends



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