Holiday October 08, 2022: What is celebrated and how much should I be paid if I work that day? | holidays in Peru | non-working days | rmmn emcc | YOUR MONEY

This Saturday, October 8, is a national holiday in Peru for all workers in the public and private sectors, to commemorate another anniversary of the Combat of Angamos.

Therefore, people who work on this day will receive an additional payment under certain conditions. In this note of MANAGEMENT we explain it to you:

What payment corresponds to you if you work on holidays

The law establishes that if a worker works without substitute rest on a holiday, such as October 8, he will receive a triple payment for the following concepts:

  • A daily salary for the holiday: amount included in the usual salary.
  • A second remuneration for the work done: additional payment per journey performed.
  • A third remuneration for having worked on a holidaywithout subsequent substitute rest.

The National Superintendence of Labor Inspection raises the following example:

If a person receives S / 1,500 soles (50 soles per day) as monthly remuneration and must work on October 8, they will receive:

  • A remuneration for the holiday (50 soles)
  • A remuneration for the work done (50 soles)
  • Surcharge of 100% (50 soles)

Therefore, in total you should receive S / 150 for the holiday worked.

It is not considered that work has been done on a holiday if the work shift begins on Thursday, October 7 and ends on October 8 of the current year.

The triple pay is also for workers who provide services remotely and who work during the holiday, without substitute rest.

What is celebrated on October 8

This Saturday October 8 The Battle of Angamos and the national hero Miguel Grau are commemoratedAlso known as ‘The Knight of the Seas’. The combat took place a few miles from Punta Angamos, on October 8, 1879, during the War of the Pacific (1879-1883).

According to historical records, at 10:55 am that day the unequal naval clash began. The Chilean armored vehicles Cochrane and Blanco Encalada beat the brave monitor Huáscar, Peruvian ship that fought more than an hour in the Battle of Angamos.

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That day, Rear Admiral Miguel Grau, considered a national hero and a hero of the Peruvian Navy, died heroically. Despite the material superiority of the enemy, he decided to fight instead of fleeing to Arica, an option that he could execute as he was faster than the great armored southerners. Being captured, the Huáscar sealed his intervention in the war with Chile.


With the arrival of the month of October, fervor grows for the processional tour of the Lord of Miracles, which this year will once again tour the streets of our capital. But the attention is not only from the devotees, but from the merchants who already have a high demand for the Christ of Pachacamilla. (Source: America TV)

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