Holiday log: Big celebration today! – Who to wish

Holiday today: Today, August 8, our Church honors the memory of Saint Emiliano the Confessor and Bishop of Kyzikos.

Calendar: Myron, Myra, Mirka. Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose

The Apostle Paul, wanting to emphasize the great importance of the confession of our faith in Christ, said: “Having a high priest of great perspicuity in the heavens, Jesus the son of God, let us keep the confession.”

Since, that is, we have a great High Priest, who has now passed through the heavens and entered into eternal rest, where he awaits us who is not a mere man, but is the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession of faith to Him, the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ.

One such example of confession was Saint Emiliano, who lived between the 8th and 9th centuries AD.

Emilianos was bishop of Kyzikos after Nikolaos, in the years 787 – 815 AD. He fought with all the power granted him by God for the honorable worship of the holy icons, when the iconoclast Leo V was emperor.

An athlete of Orthodoxy, he spoke warmly about it and strengthened the faithful to patiently endure impious persecutions. He suffered many ills and sorrows and finally died in exile, like a genuine Confessor of the right faith.

Ἦhos a’. Citizen of the desert.
Of the image of the Word you erased the radiance, Emilian Hierarch through life righteousness, the incarnate Image of Christ, you taught to be honored devoutly, for this as a shepherd and an athlete, we honor you who shout, glory to the one who crowns you , glory to the gifted by to you, give me forgiveness.

Heteron Apolytikion
Number d. He understood quickly.
Conqueror of martyrs, beauty of Hierarchs, glimmer of the faithful, fosterer of Orthodoxy, Amylane panvassmie; you checked the tyrant, the anti-God fallacy, you are exalted above the wreaths of victory, and you intercede for our souls.

Ἦhos c’. The Virgin today.
In Cyzicus Saint, priest, you showed yourself, Christ’s flock, in piety you brought up; this one who is protected from dangers, guard and remember all those who are sleeping, devoutly and Orthodox, Trinity one, creator of all.

The House
Aemilianus, who was a symbol of impiety, showed himself to God with zeal, and like another Moses, you boldly controlled the young Pharaoh, you endured long sufferings, but he remained like a stone, and the error in the middle of a meeting of Fathers abolished, you proclaimed the reverence of Christ as an icon, and orthodoxly taught the worship of persons in Trinity, one God, creator of all.

Chapter III of Divine Faith.
Enlightened by the Spirit of God, proclaiming in defiance, the dogmas of orthodoxy, and the king of the lawless, the ruler of unjustly sent, Father Hosea, Christ the God of Christ, bestow upon us the great mercy.


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#Holiday #log #Big #celebration #today



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