Holds Halal Bihalal, PKS Shrimp for All Candidate Pairs for the 2024 Presidential Election – 2024-04-25 22:56:34

Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi (MI / Adam Dwi)

SECRETARY General (Sekjen) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi said his party would hold a halal bihalal at the PKS DPP Office, Jakarta, Saturday (27/4). Three pairs of presidential candidates and vice presidential candidates will be invited along with all political parties.

“If Pak Prabowo comes, we will also give him a red carpet as the winning president, we will welcome him,” said Aboe after visiting the DPP PKB office, Jakarta, Thursday (25/4).

PKS hopes to have a lot of dialogue with Prabowo at the event. He said the gathering was held in the context of reconciliation of all parties after the 2024 presidential election.

“We’ll just get together at PKS tomorrow in a small but maybe romantic atmosphere. So maybe from there we’ll go to the next step,” he said.

However, PKS has not yet stated its stance on whether it will remain in the opposition or join the Prabowo-Gibran government. According to him, PKS is a party that is ready to be outside or within the government coalition.

“PKS is the most prepared for all situations, whether inside or outside, tasks from inside to outside, assigned to inside, we are ready,” he said. (Z-8)

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