Høiby imposed a restraining order against the offended woman

Høiby imposed a restraining order against the offended woman

The police have decided on a ban on visitors, says the woman’s legal aid lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen to NTB. Aftenposten mentioned the matter first.

The police have sent out a short press release, where they confirm the ban on visitors, which will last until March 2025.

– The Oslo police district has imposed a visiting ban on Marius Borg Høiby against the victim in the case where he is charged with bodily harm, threats and damage, writes police attorney Andreas Kruszweski, the prosecution in the case.

– Necessary

The basis for the visiting ban is that the victim wants it, he writes further.

– Beyond this, the Oslo police district will not go into details about the background for the imposition. The visiting ban has been served on Høiby. It applies from 2 September, and he has consented to the imposition, writes the police attorney.

Shortly after the charge became known, it emerged that the woman did not want a restraining order. This has now changed, confirms assistance lawyer Larsen to Aftenposten.

– This was considered necessary, but I have no other comments, says Larsen.

Traveled to Italy

Høiby is charged with violence and damage after an incident at Frogner on 4 August. The charge was eventually extended to also apply to threats.

Last week, after being in his first interrogation with the police, Høiby traveled to Italy. Defender Øyvind Bratlien stated that Høiby traveled to Italy on his advice.

Bratlien stated at the same time that no decision has been taken when the next questioning of Høiby will take place.

Admitted bodily harm

In a written statement to the press, Høiby has admitted that he “perpetrated bodily harm and destroyed objects in an apartment in the intoxication of alcohol and cocaine after an argument”. He said he would take responsibility for his actions and pointed out that he has drug problems and mental illness.

Høiby is also being investigated for abuse in close relationships against his two ex-girlfriends Nora Haukland and Juliane Snekkestad, who have accused him of violence and threats. Both have been interviewed by the police.

Heidi Reisvang at Elden Advokatfirma is Haukland’s assistant lawyer together with John Christian Elden.

– We have not asked that Høiby be banned from contacting and visiting. Haukland is currently away in connection with a TV recording, she tells NTB.

#Høiby #imposed #restraining #order #offended #woman
2024-09-04 04:04:20



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