Hogwarts Legacy: I was in Azkaban!

I just don’t know how.

So that up to date Hogwarts Legacy found in almost every headline shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s actually played the game. Even following hours and hours of play, it still has surprises in store and whole new things to discover. However, I discovered a detail outside of the game while discussing a quest with my wife. We found that the quest went completely differently for her than for me. Because I was in Hogwarts Legacy in the legendary prison In Azka!

Does your house affect the quests you experience?

Hogwarts Legacy: How did I get to Azkaban? Is it at the house?

This is one of the main quests from the main story. Therefore, it is impossible for all players to complete this quest just by chance. And it’s also the quest you have to do before you get on a broom and learn to fly for the first time. So that you one landmark have. About these Quest I chatted with my wife to find out that she got this quest in the Owlery and that’s how she got into the forbidden forest. While I was sent to Upper Hogsfield by a portrait and then made a trip to the legendary Azkaban Prison! YES! I’ve been to Azkaban and seen dementors at Hogwarts Legacy!

This task still comes in the first third of the main questline and so we sat there, wondering how there might be such a massive difference in the quests. And the only really serious one Difference between our two game runs, are ours Houses. And that my wife lied to Professor Sharp. But she is in the house Ravenclawwhile I am in the green common room of Hufflepuff made wide. Because Sharp has nothing to do with this quest. Consequently, it can actually only be due to which of us is in which house. However, this begs the question for me: “Why would you send a Hufflepuff to Azkaban?!”

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