Hoegeng, Symbol of Honesty and Integrity in the History of the Indonesian Police – 2024-07-04 19:47:12

Hoegeng Iman Santoso is one of the most famous figures in the history of the Indonesian National Police. Hoegeng is known for his honesty and dedication (Antara)

TALKING about the most famous police figure, of course it cannot be separated from the name Hoegeng. Hoegeng Iman Santoso, is a name that is no stranger in the history of the Indonesian Police (Polri).

Born on October 14, 1921 in Pekalongan, Central Java, Hoegeng is known as a figure who upholds the values ​​of honesty and dedication in every step of his life, especially when carrying out his duties as a police officer.

Hoegeng’s name has become a symbol of unshakable honesty and integrity in law enforcement in Indonesia.

Early Career and Boundless Dedication

Hoegeng began his police career in 1946, when Indonesia had just gained its independence. He began his duties as a police officer in Pati, Central Java, before being assigned to various regions in Indonesia.

In every task, Hoegeng always showed extraordinary dedication. His honesty and integrity made him quickly known and respected by his colleagues and the community.

Honesty as the Main Pillar

Honesty is one of the main values ​​held firmly by Hoegeng. In carrying out his duties, he is known to be incorruptible and unwilling to compromise with corruption. One famous story that illustrates his honesty is when he refused a luxury car gift from a businessman he had helped. Hoegeng prefers to live simply and carry out his duties with integrity.

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Dedication to Law Enforcement

During his tenure as the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) from 1968 to 1971, Hoegeng carried out various reforms within the Polri. He tried hard to eradicate corruption and improve professionalism among police officers. His dedication to fair and transparent law enforcement made Polri respected by the public at that time.

In the 1970s, Indonesia was marked by rampant cases of smuggling of luxury goods, including luxury cars, carried out by individuals who had great power and influence. The luxury car smuggling cases involved various high-ranking officials and influential figures in the government.

Hoegeng’s actions in the luxury car smuggling case Hoegeng enforced the law firmly and transparently. He ensured that all those involved in the case were processed in accordance with applicable law. Despite facing pressure from various parties, Hoegeng remained committed to the principles of honesty and integrity. He rejected all forms of political intervention and remained focused on fair law enforcement.

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Hoegeng is also known for his courage in facing political pressure and various challenges in carrying out his duties. He did not hesitate to take firm steps against violations of the law, even though he had to deal with parties in power.

Hoegeng’s Legacy, An Example for the Police Generation

The legacy left by Hoegeng is not only stories about honesty and dedication, but also values ​​that the Indonesian National Police continue to uphold to this day. The integrity, honesty, and dedication demonstrated by Hoegeng are an inspiration for the next generation of police.

Hoegeng’s name is often used as an example in education and training at the police academy, reminding every police officer of the importance of upholding moral values ​​in carrying out their duties.

Remembering Hoegeng on Bhayangkara Day

Every Bhayangkara Day commemoration, Hoegeng’s name is always mentioned as a role model to follow. Hoegeng’s courage, honesty, and dedication are a mirror for the Police in facing the challenges of the times.

In this modern era, where the challenges of law enforcement are increasingly complex, the values ​​held by Hoegeng remain relevant. These values ​​serve as a moral guide for every member of the Indonesian National Police. (Z-3)

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