HM the King in a speech on the occasion of the anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People

* The Sahara issue is the yardstick that measures the sincerity of the friendships and the effectiveness of the partnerships that Morocco establishes * Call for the creation of a mechanism to support Moroccan skills and talents abroadHis Majesty the King Mohammed VI addressed, on Saturday evening, a speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the

* The Sahara file is the yardstick that measures the sincerity of the friendships and the effectiveness of the partnerships that Morocco establishes.

* Call for the creation of a mechanism to support Moroccan skills and talents abroad

His Majesty King Mohammed VI addressed, on Saturday evening, a speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People.

Here is the full text of the Royal Speech:

“Praise be to God, prayer and salvation be upon the Prophet, his family and his companions.

Dear people,

Today we commemorate the anniversary of the Glorious Revolution of the King and the people, which marked a decisive turning point in the struggle for independence.

This epic symbolized the sincere affection and the deep attachment mutually devoted to a King who preferred exile to any blackmail aimed at the unity and sovereignty of the Fatherland, and a people who consented to many sacrifices to obtain the return of his rightful Sovereign and recover his freedom and dignity.

It is thanks to this spirit of sacrifice and solidarity that the territorial integrity of our country was thus completed and that the recovery of the Southern Provinces of the Kingdom took place.

Dear people,

In recent years, we have made great breakthroughs at the regional and international levels, all of which have been favorable to the Kingdom’s just and legitimate position on the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

This is how many influential countries, respectful of Morocco’s full sovereignty over its territories, have shown their receptivity and support for the Autonomy Initiative, considered the only possible way to settle this artificial regional conflict. .

By the position of the United States of America which, notwithstanding the change of administration or the evolution of the situation, has remained constant, this favorable reception is now unavoidable.

We also salute the clear and responsible position of Spain, this neighboring country which knows perfectly well the origin and the true nature of this conflict.

This constructive stance marked a new stage in the Hispano-Moroccan partnership that no regional contingency, no internal political development can now affect.

In addition, the constructive positioning with regard to the Autonomy Initiative displayed by certain European countries such as Germany, Holland, Portugal, Serbia, Hungary, Cyprus and Romania, will help to pose a new milestone in relations of trust with these friendly nations, to strengthen the quality partnership that binds them to our country.

At the same time as this support, around thirty countries have opened consulates in the Southern Provinces, thus marking their clear and clear support for the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the Moroccanness of the Sahara.

We take this opportunity to reiterate the expression of Our consideration to Our Brothers the Kings, Emirs and Presidents of brotherly Arab countries, in particular Jordan, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Djibouti and the Comoros, which have opened consulates in Laâyoune and in Dakhla.

We also thank the rest of the Arab States which have constantly affirmed their support for the Moroccanness of the Sahara, and especially the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Egypt and Yemen.

Moreover, the positions of our brothers in Africa are a real source of pride for Us, since approximately 40% of African States, belonging to five regional groupings, have opened consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla.

This dynamic also concerns the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, many of which have opened consulates in the Moroccan Sahara, while others have decided to extend their field of consular competence to the Southern Provinces of the Kingdom.

Given these positive developments involving countries from all continents, I would like to send a clear message to everyone: the Sahara issue is the prism through which Morocco considers its international environment. It is also clearly and simply the yardstick that measures the sincerity of the friendships and the effectiveness of the partnerships that he establishes.

With regard to certain countries that are among our partners, traditional or new, whose positions on the Sahara issue are ambiguous, we expect them to clarify and review the substance of their position, in a way that does not lead to any equivocal.

Dear people,

A united internal front and Moroccans fully mobilized, wherever they are, to thwart the maneuvers of enemies: this is the foundation on which any strategy for the defense of the Moroccanness of the Sahara must rest.

I take this opportunity to salute and assure of My esteem the members of the Moroccan community residing abroad who selflessly defend the territorial integrity of their country, by making the national cause resonate in all the forums accessible to them and the favor of the positions they occupy.

Morocco, God be praised, has a community estimated at some five million individuals, to which are added hundreds of thousands of Moroccan Jews abroad, all scattered around the world.

In this area, the Moroccans of the world represent an exceptional case, if we consider the strength of the link which unites them inextricably to their homeland, their attachment to its sacred symbols and their determined commitment to defend its higher interests, whatever may be the problems and difficulties they face.

Far from being the prerogative of first-generation immigrants, the human ties firmly woven with Morocco and the pride of belonging to it constitute a heritage that is transmitted from father to son. It is with enthusiasm that the third and fourth generations claim it, already, in turn.

That said, we must constantly ask ourselves the following questions: what have we done to strengthen the patriotic feeling of our immigrants? Do the legislative framework in place and public policies take their specificities into account? Are the administrative procedures adapted to their current expectations? Have we provided them with the necessary religious and educational support?

Have we provided them with the support required and the conditions conducive to the success of their investment projects?

Admittedly, the State is making considerable efforts to guarantee a warm welcome to Moroccans around the world, but this system remains insufficient.

Indeed, many of them, alas, still come up once morest several pitfalls to settle their administrative affairs or to launch their projects. This state of affairs should therefore be remedied.

With regard to the involvement of the MRE community in the development process – a goal in which We attach particular interest -, it is clear that Morocco needs all its children and all the skills established at the foreign.

These skills can thus settle and work in Morocco, as they can contribute, via all kinds of partnerships, from their host countries.

In fact, the Moroccan community abroad is notoriously known for the world-class profiles it has in different fields: scientific, economic, political, cultural, sports and others. These resources are a source of pride for Morocco and for all Moroccans.

The time has therefore come to provide this community with the necessary framework as well as the means and conditions to enable it to give the best of itself, in the well-understood interest of its country and its development.

Also, We emphasize the need to establish a structural relationship with Moroccan skills abroad, including with Jewish Moroccans.

We also call for the creation of a dedicated mechanism whose mission will be to support Moroccan skills and talents abroad, to support their initiatives and projects.

This system will ultimately make it possible to get to know the profiles better, to interact constantly with them and thus to present to them the assets available to their country in the sectors linked to the development and investment process.

In this regard, we once once more urge Moroccan young people and project leaders residing abroad to take advantage of the many investment opportunities offered by the motherland, to make the most of the incentives and the guarantees provided for in the new Investment Charter.

Furthermore, it is up to public establishments, the national finance and business sector to be more open to investors among members of the community.

To this end, it is appropriate, in the best interests of all, to put in place, in their favour, effective mechanisms of sponsorship, support and partnership.

Finally, given the constantly renewed aspirations of Moroccans around the world, it is high time to modernize and upgrade the institutional framework relating to this category of citizens whom We cherish.

It is also important to reconsider the governance model of existing institutions in order to enhance their efficiency and complementarity.

Dear people,

The imperishable Revolution of August 20 embodies the values ​​of sacrifice, solidarity and loyalty in the service of the Fatherland. The spirit of this glorious epic continues to guide Our steps and inspire successive generations to preserve the national unity and territorial integrity of our country, its security and its stability.

It is the best pledge of fidelity to the memory of the pioneers of the resistance movement and the fight for liberation, in the forefront of which Our Auguste Grandfather, the late His Majesty King Mohammed V and his companion in struggle, Our Venerable Father , late His Majesty King Hassan II, may God have them in His holy mercy, as well as all the brave martyrs of the Nation.

Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh.”



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