Hives for… adoption!

Already, approximately 15 individuals, institutions and businesses (from Greece and abroad) have adopted one cell each.

“The process is simple. We have some of our 120 hives available for adoption. The cost for the interested party ranges from 120 to 250 euros per year, depending on the cell and other conditions. He immediately receives the adoption certificate and can give any name he wants to his hive. At the beginning of the adoption, he receives four 760-gram jars of honey and at the end of the process four more 760-gram jars of honey -which in fact have personalized labels-, a honey spread and an ear ointment,” the manager tells of the company “Meligevsis”, Geysi Touloumidou. He emphasizes that those who have adopted a beehive can see it up close, take a photo with it, learn about society and the life of the bee and, if they wish, participate in beekeeping work. The process of cell adoption is widespread abroad, while in Greece it is at an initial stage.

However, this year’s production of Greek honey is expected to be dramatically reduced. “The lack of rain and high temperatures, effects of the climate crisis, will have a significant impact on production. It is estimated that it will be 75% lower compared to last year”, emphasized Ms. Touloumidou.

#Hives #adoption



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