HIV: an “expert patient” at the bedside of Guyanese patients


On the occasion of the Caribbean HIV Testing Days, the Kikiwi network had the idea of ​​bringing an “expert patient” or peer helper from Paris, i.e. a person who has been living with HIV for a long time and who is able to to share his experience with other patients. Gustave Dah, who takes on this little-known role outside the voluntary sector, explains it to France-Guyane, accompanied by Alexandra Piette, from the Kikiwi network.

Can you introduce yourself and above all tell us what an expert patient is?

Gustave Dah : I am Gustave Dah, 67, father of two adult daughters and grandfather of four grandchildren. I am from Burkina Faso and, now French, I am retired in Paris. I started to share my experience or rather to talk regarding HIV/AIDS before the 2000s.

[Après mon arrivée en France] I joined Act’up, then Aides. Whenever I might, I spoke, especially since I have a facility for that,…
1218 mots – 04.07.2022

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