history of the first cryptocurrency

2023-07-30 20:29:03

Until Bitcoin appeared in 2009, cryptocurrency was just a project. But today, a variety of encrypted virtual currencies are available on the internet. To understand the functioning and history of these currencies in general, it is necessary to know the history of Bitcoin, the first of them all. In this article, you will discover some major dates and events that marked Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency in the world.

August 2008: reservation of the bitcoin.org site

Although there have been several cryptocurrency projects since the 1990s, none of these projects have managed to pass the theoretical stage. The first concrete act therefore in the field of cryptocurrencies was marked by the reservation of the domain name of the site which will house Bitcoin, the future first cryptocurrency. It was indeed on August 18, 2008 that the domain name bitcoin.org was reserved via AnonymousSpeech, a platform allowing transactions to be carried out anonymously.

October 2008: publication of the Bitcoin white paper

A few weeks after reserving the domain name, Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin white paper on the site. It was October 31, 2008. Moreover, it is this date which is retained by many people as being that of the birth of Bitcoin.

A link accompanied by a message was then published in an e-mail distribution list reserved for cypherpunks. The link redirected directly to the white paper published on the Bitcoin site. In this book, the whole project of the new currency that will be Bitcoin was developed.

November 2008: first appearance of the word “blockchain”

As soon as the white paper was published, Internet users interested in the project contacted Satoshi. One of these is Hal Finney, a cryptographer already known for his participation in the creation of PGP, an email encryption software. It is to him that the community of cryptocurrency users owes the expression “blockchain”, because Satoshi designated the register at the heart of the distribution of Bitcoin by the concept of “timestamp server”. It was on November 9 during a discussion that Hal Finney will use the term “blockchain” which will be adopted instead of the first term.

January 2009: creation of the first Bitcoin units

The first Bitcoin units were created on January 3, 2009. The block that was used to create them was then called the “genesis block”. 50 units of Bitcoin had then been created. But these will only be distributed to Internet users who have mined them. Only Satoshi has the cryptographic key that can move it.

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To see the first transaction with Bitcoin, you have to wait until January 12, 2009. This first transaction took place between Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney. It is this date that is officially considered the date of the release of the first cryptocurrency in the world. Today it is possible to buy or sell d on platforms such as as much as he said.

Mai 2010 : le « Bitcoin Pizza Day »

From January 2009, the Bitcoin blockchain is open to the public. The units of the mined currency were then donated to the rightful claimants. But it was not until May 22, 2010 that Bitcoin was used for the first time for an acquisition. It was then Laszlo Hanyecz, an American developer, who bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins. This date has been dubbed “Bitcoin Pizza Day” and is commemorated annually by the Bitcoin user community.

December 2010: Public disappearance of Satoshi Nakamoto

On December 12, 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto, whose true identity had until then remained unknown to the general public, wrote a message on the specialized forum Bitcoin Talk where he announced his withdrawal from public life. From that date, no one heard from him.

February 2011: parity with the dollar

In February 2011, the value of Bitcoin reached that of the US dollar for the first time. One bitcoin was then worth one US dollar. It is also the first cryptocurrency equaled the dollar.

#history #cryptocurrency

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