his vehicle is sandwiched between two trucks on the E17 highway, the driver killed instantly

The truck responsible for the accident noticed too late that a line had formed in front of him, said the federal police. The driver’s license was revoked for 15 days. A blood alcohol test came back negative.

The accident occurred around 2 p.m. near Haasdonk, in the direction of Antwerp. The truck that hit the back of the van noticed the presence of a line too late and collided with the vehicle in front of it. The latter was crushed against another heavyweight, causing the immediate death of the driver, a Pole. The two truck drivers are unharmed.

The accident causes traffic jams in the direction of Antwerp. After investigation by a traffic expert, vehicles should be towed and the road cleared. The central band and the right band are, for the moment, blocked. The Flemish Traffic Center advises motorists coming from Ghent to reach Antwerp via the R4-Est and the E34. From Saint-Nicolas, he suggests taking the N16 (the Temse bridge) and the A12 towards Antwerp.

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