His model mother, Linda Evangelista… Salma Hayek publishes pictures with her husband’s son (photos and video)

2023-05-01 05:33:00

in a party the TIME 100 which took place in Lincoln Center In New York, Salma Hayek had a mission! She came with two teenagers, her daughter Valentina and her stepson Augustin Pinault The result of a short love affair between model Linda Evangelista and the famous French businessman Francois-Henri Pinault In 2005. For this occasion, Hayek starred in a beautiful blue silk dress covered with black lace, signed by Gucci.

Salma Hayek in a signature look Gucci in a party the TIME 100

Salma Hayek with her daughter Valentina and Augustine, her husband’s son from model Linda Evangelista (photos from Instagram)

Salma has posted pictures with Augustin on social media in the past, but it wasn’t until recently that she was seen with him in public. François-Henri Pinault is a French businessman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Dry Since 2005 Group President Artemis Since 2003. Oversees luxury brands such as Balenciaga And Bottega Veneta And Gucci And Alexander McQueen And Yves Saint Laurent. Besides Valentina and Augustine, François-Henri has a daughter named Mathilde Pinault, 22, and a son named François Pinault, 25, whose motherwhat Dorothy Luber, 58 years old.

Linda Evangelista made headlines this year because of her claims that… CoolSculpting That is, the process of “freezing fat” that this machine performs made it “distorted”. It is noteworthy that Francois-Henri Pinault and the former model argued violently in the courts about the alimony that the French businessman must secure for his son as a result of a short relationship between them (4 months) that took place during the year 2005. During the few days of the trial that was held in New York, Francois Pinault confirmed that he He was informed of this pregnancy and acknowledged its paternity. But, he added, he did not actually pay alimony until a transitional measure of justice.

Linda Evangelista and François-Henri Pinault had an affair, long before they met Salma Hayek. After that, the two got married and the Mexican actress of Lebanese origin gave birth to little Valentina.

Model Linda Evangelista

#model #mother #Linda #Evangelista.. #Salma #Hayek #publishes #pictures #husbands #son #photos #video

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