His last moments are described by his wife

The local community in New Vuzhais shocked by the news that a 35-year-old police officer committed suicide in the middle of the road in their area on Tuesday night (3.9.24) near his home.

The policeman called his wife via video call and then pulled out his service weapon and killed himself. His wife describes to newsit.gr what happened, declaring herself shocked. As he reveals, the couple was facing problems in their marriage and they were trying to find a solution.

“Yesterday it happened as it happens most of the time. We argued on the phone, we had daily arguments. At that time my husband was not at work, he called me and wanted to get out what he was feeling, and I asked him to talk after noon when I would also study from my own work but he insisted that we solve everything at that time,” the policeman’s wife tells newsit.gr and points out:

“I told him that we need to calm down and find a solution and be able to move forward and be together. He had never told me he was thinking about harming himself.”

“No matter how calmly I spoke to him, he couldn’t handle what we were saying. I didn’t ask him to break up, he told me that he doesn’t want us to break up and at that time I told him that if we can’t find a solution to move forward calmly without fights, maybe it’s better to think about separating and find a common path to raise the children together”, he emphasizes.

“At that moment he answered me that he made the family so that we could all be together and he didn’t make it so that we could separate and that he only sees the children on the weekends. We didn’t say anything else, I just told him that I’ll study in the afternoon and we’ll see what we do, we’ll talk calmly, he didn’t warn me that he’s going to hurt himself. Then he answered me that I will see what I will do and what happened happened.” states characteristics.

“His family is shocked people come from here. The day will be very long and difficult for us today”, concludes the wife.

#moments #wife



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