Published on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 06:34
Par M-Cl.G.
Since his tragic death which occurred this Sunday at the end of the followingnoon, all the friends of the Eghezéen Maxime Baugnet, shocked by this terrible news, return to him vibrant tributes.
▶▶ “Maxime was a bon vivant with his heart on his sleeve”, one of her friends told us.
▶▶ For her funeral on Friday, she appealed to all those close to Maxime to set up a very special tribute: come to his funeral in festival clothes.
Death of Maxime (Eghezée) on the RN90: he was hit three times
Par A.BT.
THE MEUSE Liège | on 09/07/2022 at 09:13
Maxime Baugnet, a young thirty-year-old from Eghezée, lost his life late Sunday followingnoon at the RN90 rest area in Hermalle-sous-Huy. The three blows delivered by a 44-year-old Engissois were fatal to him.