his electric car refuses to charge because of the cold, he remains blocked for Christmas

Christmas Day was for many an opportunity to receive gifts and spend time with family, but for others the day turned into a nightmare. A Tesla driver had to cancel his plans because his car wouldn’t charge.

Credit: taina / 123RF

Domenick Nati, a 44-year-old radio presenter from Lynchburg, eastern Virginia, likely cursed Elon Musk on Christmas Eve. In fact, he recounts having lived a mishap with his Tesla Model S, which led him to cancel his plans for the Christmas party.

The man tells our colleagues from Insider that he plugged his electric car into a Supercharger terminal as usual on Friday, because his battery was only at 40%. The problem is that the car was not able to rechargesince he found that his battery percentage decreased as the outside temperature dropped.

The cold likely prevented the Tesla Model S from charging

As you’ve probably seen on the news, the United States was hit last weekend by a major cold snap, and some Teslas don’t seem to have reacted very well. After failing to charge at the Supercharger, the Model S owner returned home, but also failed to charge his car at his home.

He then decides to return to another Supercharger to try his luck once more, but the battery once more refuses to fill. Worse still, the vehicle’s range drops more and more before finishing at 30 km, which does not allow it to make the return trip. So he sees himself compelled to return home by taxi. The forties therefore had no other choice than not to go to the event he had planned for the Christmas party.

According to him, the culprit was indeed the outside temperature, but he was unable to reach Tesla customer service to inquire. However, we recall Elon Musk’s cars are equipped with many features that allow them to overcome extreme temperatures, including a heat pump or the possibility of preheating the battery before recharging. Teslas are also very popular in the Nordic countries, who are moving more and more towards all-electric.



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