His actions are clearly visible to us.

Andy was expecting a package from DPD to be delivered to Erpe-Mere. However, when he checked his surveillance camera footage, he was shocked. The family received a notification that the package had been delivered, along with a photo of the package outside their front door. But, to their surprise, there was no package. They then checked the front camera footage and discovered that the courier had taken a photo of the package and then taken it with them. Andy filed a complaint and DPD launched an investigation into a possible theft committed by one of their couriers. DPD’s press officer confirmed the internal investigation, but mightn’t confirm whether this was a case of theft or a shipment exchanged by mistake or delivered elsewhere. To rule out the latter, DPD contacted subcontractors, depots, and collection points. The investigation is ongoing.

Andy had to have a package delivered by the DPD carrier to Erpe-Mere. But when he looked at his surveillance camera footage, he was shocked.

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Andy was to have a gift delivered for his 12-year-old son Lenn: “Nikes size 32 at 75 euros. The joy was therefore great when we were able to announce to him, on Tuesday following his examination, that his package had finally been delivered, ”says Andy.

The family received a message that the package had been delivered around 10.30am, along with a photo of the package outside their front door. But there was no package. So Andy checked the footage from his front camera. “We can clearly see that the courier is photographing our package and then picking it up when leaving,” he explains to HLN.

After filing a complaint, the DPD company opened an investigation into a possible theft committed by one of its couriers. At DPD, press officer Tom De Bruyckere confirms that an internal investigation has been launched following a report. “But at this time we cannot say whether this is really a case of theft or a shipment exchanged by mistake or delivered elsewhere. To rule out this hypothesis, DPD contacts the subcontractors, depots and collection points where the parcel might have ended up. “This process will take some time, but we take this report seriously. »

The incident experienced by Andy and his family is definitely a concerning one. The fact that a courier would take a photo of the package and then pick it up when leaving is a blatant act of theft. The investigation that DPD is currently conducting will hopefully uncover the truth and bring justice to the situation. In the meantime, it is important for everyone to be vigilant when it comes to their package deliveries, especially during this time when online shopping has significantly increased. Always keep an eye on your surveillance footage and report any suspicious activities to the authorities or the courier company. Let us all work together to ensure the safety and security of our deliveries.

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