Hirscher: “The young people think that Grandpa is coming”

His competitors will also be pleased: “The young people, I’m saying teenagers, will definitely find it really cool. I think they really think that grandpa is coming,” says Hirscher in the show, which will be broadcast on Ö3 on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. He also gives an unusually deep insight. Hirscher is more private than he usually is: What moves a sports legend more – an Olympic medal or children? Hirscher: “Sure, when you become a father. That changes your life massively. Your values ​​shift dramatically. That has certainly helped me a lot as a person and changed me too.” And: “With children, you realize: ‘What is it really about now?’ Whether you are two hundredths faster or slower, or whether the kids are doing well, whether they are healthy, growing, thriving and developing. And of course that puts the madness into perspective.”

Before departure next week, the main thing on the agenda is fitness training, “then I’ll go to New Zealand and do my first races,” explained the 35-year-old, who actually ended his career five years ago after 67 World Cup victories, seven World Championship titles and two Olympic gold medals. Two FIS giant slaloms and two FIS slaloms will take place in Coronet Peak on the South Island from August 15 to 19.



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