Hiroshima Day: Guterres calls for nuclear disarmament | World | Deshabhimani

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for nuclear non-proliferation on the 77th anniversary of the United States dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, shaking the world. Guterres said nuclear weapons are absurd and guarantee death and danger, not security. What has been learned from the crash of 1945 must be assessed.

Nuclear weapons are being built up in the Middle East and on the Korean Peninsula. Guterres reminded that the world is one mistake or an illusion away from the final war.

Hiroshima Mayor Kasumi Onitasui made a peace declaration. Representatives from all over the world and relatives of those killed in the bombing attended. The ceremony started with the ringing of the peace bell at 8.15 am, the same time America dropped the atomic bomb on the city. 400 pigeons were flown with the message of peace. After the ceremony, Guterres met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and suggested that Japan take the lead in non-proliferation efforts.

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