2024-04-21 13:27:59
The listing on the London Stock Exchange in 2018 of Hipgnosis, a company led by Merck Mercuriadis, a former manager of Elton John and Iron Maiden, corresponded to the start of a wave of buyouts of star catalogs. rock and pop music (Bob Dylan, Sting, etc.) with hundreds of millions of dollars.
But, since then, the rise in interest rates has broken the momentum of this music rights management activity and of the company which most embodied it, at least in the recent period. While Hipgnosis shareholders voted last year to dismantle their group to get their money back, the company which owns music by Neil Young, Shakira, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Mark Ronson has two takeover offers. on the table since this weekend.
#Hipgnosis #battle #ahead #takeover #pioneer #musical #catalogs