Hindu Community in America Welcomes Trump with Open Arms

A large and influential group of Hindus of Indian origin in America, ‘Hindus for America First’, has openly come to the field for the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. The founding chairman of this group, Utso Sanduja, says that if Kamala Harris becomes the president of the United States, relations with India will become strained.

In an interview, Utsav Sinduja said that Kamala Harris has seen the affairs of the country with President Biden for four years, but she has also failed to do anything like her boss. In these four years, the issue of illegal immigrants in the United States has been worsening.

Utsav Sindoja said that if Donald Trump is re-elected as president, the issue of illegal immigrants will be controlled because he is inflexible in this regard. The country is facing serious problems at the hands of illegal immigrants. Employers belonging to minority communities are also under extraordinary pressure in this regard.

To a question, the founding head of Hindus for America First said that if Donald Trump becomes the president again, relations with India will be restored and warmth will be created in them. The country needs energetic leadership.

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Utsav Sindhuja said that Kamala Harris cannot be expected to focus on raising the profile of relations with India. Yes, they may turn most cases over to the liberal wolves. If she enters the Presidency, the problems will increase for the country. His lax attitude towards immigrants will make the issue in the country even more disturbing.

#American #Hindu #group #opens #Trump #World
2024-09-07 21:19:03

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions ⁤for the⁣ title “Hindus for America First Endorses Trump, Citing Concerns over Kamala⁢ Harris’ Impact ‌on Indo-US Relations”:

Hindus for America⁢ First Endorses Trump, Citing Concerns over Kamala Harris’⁢ Impact on Indo-US Relations

In⁣ a​ significant development, a large‌ and ⁢influential group of ⁣Hindus of⁣ Indian origin ‌in ‌America, known as Hindus for ⁢America First, has openly endorsed ⁤Republican presidential ⁢candidate Donald Trump. ⁣The ‌group’s founding chairman, Utso Sanduja, has expressed concerns that if Kamala Harris becomes the President of the United States, relations with India will ⁣become strained. [[1]]

In an ‌interview, ⁤Sanduja criticized Kamala Harris⁣ for her failure to address the issue of illegal immigrants in ⁤the United States, which has been worsening over ⁢the past four⁤ years under the Biden administration.​ He stated that ⁣Harris​ has⁢ seen the affairs of ⁣the country with President Biden for four years but ⁣has failed to take any concrete action, just ‌like her boss. ​ [[2]]

Sanduja believes that if⁢ Donald ‍Trump is re-elected as President, the issue of illegal immigrants ‌will⁤ be controlled as Trump is inflexible on this issue. The⁢ country is​ facing serious problems‍ due to illegal​ immigrants, and⁢ employers belonging to minority communities are‍ under ⁤extraordinary pressure. [[3]]

Moreover, Sanduja emphasized the importance ⁣of energetic leadership and stated that if Trump​ becomes the President again, relations ⁢with ⁣India will be restored, and warmth⁤ will ‌be created in them. This⁢ is a significant endorsement, as Hindus for America First is ‍a grassroots organization that aims to promote Hindu values and interests in the‌ United States.

The group’s endorsement of Trump is not surprising, given the Republican candidate’s pro-India stance. Trump has been vocal about his support ​for India ​and has ‌maintained a ⁢strong relationship‌ with‌ Indian Prime Minister Narendra ​Modi. On the other hand, Kamala Harris has been critical of ​India’s handling‍ of the ​Kashmir ⁤issue, which ⁤has raised concerns among the Indian American community.

The endorsement of Trump by Hindus for America‍ First is a significant development in the ongoing presidential election campaign. It highlights the importance of the Hindu‌ American vote in⁤ key⁣ battleground states and underscores‍ the need for candidates ⁣to engage with this ‌community and‌ address their concerns.

the endorsement of Trump by ​Hindus for⁣ America First is a testament ⁤to the group’s ‍commitment to ⁤promoting Hindu⁢ values and interests in the United States. ​The group’s concerns over Kamala ​Harris’ impact on Indo-US relations ​are valid,⁤ and their endorsement of Trump is a significant development ⁤in the ongoing presidential election‍ campaign.





Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **Hindus for America First Endorses Trump, Citing Concerns over Kamala Harris’ Impact on Indo-US Relations**:

Hindus for America First Endorses Trump, Citing Concerns over Kamala Harris’ Impact on Indo-US Relations

In a significant development, a large and influential group of Hindus of Indian origin in America, known as Hindus for America First, has openly endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The group’s founding chairman, Utso Sanduja, has expressed concerns that if Kamala Harris becomes the President of the United States, relations with India will become strained. [[1]]

Sanduja criticized Kamala Harris for her failure to address the issue of illegal immigrants in the United States, which has been worsening over the past four years under the Biden administration. He stated that Harris has seen the affairs of the country with President Biden for four years but has failed to take any concrete action, just like her boss. [[2]]

Sanduja believes that if Donald Trump is re-elected as President, the issue of illegal immigrants will be controlled as Trump is inflexible on this issue. The country is facing serious problems due to illegal immigrants, and employers belonging to minority communities are under extraordinary pressure. [[3]]

Moreover, Sanduja emphasized the importance of energetic leadership and stated that if Trump becomes the President again, relations with India will be restored, and warmth will be created in them. This is a significant endorsement, as Hindus for America First is a grassroots organization that aims to promote Hindu values and interests in the United States.

The group’s endorsement of Trump is not surprising, given the Republican candidate’s pro-India stance. Trump has been vocal about his support for India and has maintained a strong relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On the other hand, Kamala Harris has been critical of India’s handling of the Kashmir issue, which has raised concerns among the Indian American community.

The endorsement of Trump by Hindus for America First is a significant development in the ongoing presidential election campaign. It highlights the importance of the Hindu American vote in key battleground states and underscores the need for candidates to engage with this community and address their concerns.

The group’s concerns over Kamala Harris’ impact on Indo-US relations are valid, and their endorsement of Trump is a significant development in the ongoing presidential election campaign. As the election heats up, it remains to be seen how this endorsement will impact the campaign and the outcome of the election.


<a href="https://www.udayavani.com/english-news/hindu-group-endorses-trump-over-harris-in-us-presidential-elections



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